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can i report this on facebook? - Printable Version

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can i report this on facebook? - Overreactivegirl - 02-19-2014 12:42 PM

there is a picture of me on facebook that i do not want up. i am not friends with the person who's album it is in and there is no chance of me talking to them, whether i wanted to or not (though i wouldn't) this picture is not rude or against of facebook rules or anything i just do not want it up because of who i am in the picture with. can i report it to get it taken down? will facebook take it down?

- Helen - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Yes I would report it. But they will probably find out it was you when it gets deleted. Just ask them nicely first! What do you have to lose??? Have someone else ask them if you are really that desparate.
Also, once a picture is up on facebook it stays on the internet forever. So I'm not sure how much good it will do even if the person does delete it off of facebook....
It's only a picture, not the end of the world... Tongue

- Maddie Dal - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Yes! you going to the picture, go to "Report This Photo", and then something says "I don't like this photo of me" and it sends that person a them a Message too that person who uploaded it and it says"Hey, I don't like this photo. Please remove it." and hopefully they willSmile Hope I helped!!

- Allie Clemens - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

if you just remove your tag it wont show up on your profilee .. and if that person wont erase it then i think i would reportt it

- TC F - 02-19-2014 01:01 PM

While you might be able to report the picture thru the Facebook mechanism, you also have to accept the fact that the photo belongs to the person who took it, not to you, even though it is of you. They're therefor free to do with it what they wish. About all I think you could stop them from doing is using it in an advertisement or selling it as a stock photo (for that you'd have had to sign a release saying you're allowing your image to be used that way). But putting it on a social network in a non-commercial context isn't going to fall under that.

If you were photographed with someone you no longer want to be associated with, that's life. There are plenty of politicians, athletes, and celebrities who'd like to undo some photos of themselves from their past.