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I made a fake facebook account, and deleted it.? - Printable Version

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I made a fake facebook account, and deleted it.? - Sian - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

Ok when I was younger I did something very stupid,
I made friends with this girl on Stardoll (I was 10 at the time) she was 14,
we became good friends so she asked for my facebook. I was too nervous to give her my
real facebook so I made a fake one, and stole a girl who lives in my town's pictures. STUPID I KNOW.
I've never even met the girl I stole pictures from, I just knew she went to a near by school and some people
at my school knew her. But anyway I added my friend I met through stardoll, and I had the facebook account for like 3 months.

After that, I realised that I was being stupid and got worried some how I could get caught so I deactivated it.
You couldn't permanetly delete facebook accounts at the time, but recently I reactivated it for literally a minute and
then PERMANETLEY DELETED the fake account. Will I ever get caught for stealing a girls pictures, and if so what will happen? I feel terrible.
I have deleted my Stardoll account too now, and I've lost contact with the friend from Stardoll completely.

- Masterkite586 - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Since you didn't use the other girls name and didn't commit any crimes using her photo as far as I can tell you didn't really attempt to "impersonate" her except by using her photos.

IANAL (I am not a lawyer) but I don't think 'borrowing' photos is a crime. Possibly, the original photo owner could attempt to go after you for re-use without permission but this would be a "tort" (a civil suit) not a criminal charge, essentially a kind of copyright infringement: which seems unlikely.

So you're worst downside is a civil suit copyright infringement type problem, and with personal photos - which have little commercial value - I think that's unlikely.

Just don't do it again.

- Lulu - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

You know what you did was wrong and you know that now, so don't worry! If you permanetely deleted the account then nothing will happen, they cannot track down your fake account. Honestly don't stress yourself, I know I sound like a nagging parent but all I will say is be careful with who you talk too because you get many people out there that will lye about themselves and ask for your facebook account like this person did and try to meet up with you, and may not be who you think they are! But back to the question, once it has been deleted nothing can happen, it has gone. Please don't worry!