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How can i sell myself as a sex slave? - Printable Version

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How can i sell myself as a sex slave? - Amy - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

I'm in my mid thirties and really into bondage. I've tried a few career paths, but they just aren't suitable. Now, I have reached a point in my life where i would like to have a real experience. I have decided that it is time that I try to sell myself as a sex slave. Can anyone advise me how to do this?
Yes, I am serious!

- Johnny - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Move to Texas and find a human trafficking ring

- Kitty - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Real Sex SLAVES don't get paid. That's prostitution.

- Jeremy - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

Why the hell would you want to do that

- Romeo - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

So you want to just let go of everything and be a kept woman and slave. Be careful what you what you wish for ...

There was once a slave auction at (warning: adult viewing only). While it was running it was plagued by such problems as slaves being bid up to astronomical amounts by bidders who had no intention of making a purchase, by people selling themselves for a limited amount of time which made them indistinguishable from prostitutes, and fraudulent offerers who would take the money and not deliver. So it was shut down.

In the late '90s there was a woman who went by the name of Amanda who auctioned herself off at a BDSM oriented Usenet group. It appears she was genuine and successful.

In an age where ownership is by the consent of the owned, there is nothing to assure the buyer will get what was paid for. The offer can be fraudulent, or the relationship might not work out. These difficulties make a BDSM oriented slave market impractical. This article has some things to say about this, and an attempt to make it practical:

There are BDSM clubs that host slave auctions, but it is understood at these events the duration of the enslavement is no longer than the duration of the dungeon party that follows. On rare occasion a purchase at them starts a long term relationship. About these slave auctions:

I have heard a rumor of BDSM auctions where real BDSM lifestyle slaves are sold for a lifetime commitment. These are for slaves who are seeking a lifetime of committed consensual enslavement and seek to enter it by selling themselves. If true, these are private events that are never publicized, are purposefully difficult to find, and are meant to be found only by serious participants. If you contact me through my profile I will provide you with the source of this rumor.

The best way is to be in a situation where you can choose carefully who your owner will be. These are at the BDSM clubs that can be found using keywords such as “BDSM Club” or “Fetish Scene” plus the name of your county or city, or at online social networks such as this one:
It would not be the sale as you originally wanted, but you can still consider at sale in the context of Briffault's Law:

Beware that once you become financially dependent you will be trapped. Unless you have family or friends to take you in leaving will no longer be an option. It is because this is an era of inadequate social services to prevent homelessness, and a poor job market. Once you are in your late thirties and forties it will be too late to find another man.
Your enslavement will become as real as legally can be.

About prolonging youthful appearance:

- PhiloMind - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

Look for the man they call Big Papa!