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Can the school look at our Facebook? - Printable Version

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Can the school look at our Facebook? - Billywizz - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

I play in my school rugby team, we play in a very high league and are associated with professional rugby clubs so i understand the need for image and professionalism but yesterday we got called for a rugby meeting and there was a guy there who had been called in by the school to hack all of our facebook pages and look at our messages and also hack into a private group the team have. They then got screenshots of some 'compromising' things they found on different people pages and in there private messages and showed them to the whole team, obviously this was funny for people until it was there turn and then it was just really embarrassing. Our coaches and some teachers were there and saw all this stuff. This is so bad, it is such an invasion of privacy, it must be illegal to show private messages to people without consent and even to hack them in the first place. These were all messages done outside of school and nothing found was threatening. Is this illegal? what should we do? We're 18

- finn - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

This is not legal and should not be allowed at all. You need to get your parents to ask for a copy of the school complaints procedure and get this straight to the Department of Education.

- Jim - 02-19-2014 01:01 PM

There are so many possible mitigating factors that a lawyer should be consulted. Yes, it might be illegal, or it might not - it all depends on those annoying mitigating factors.

- DeMoNsLaYeR575 - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

1. it is illegal to hack into anything unless they have permission from the owner ( Facebook, which they only give permission with a warrent) or a warrent
2. contact the police and tell them what happened
3. the school can only look at public messages
i personally would contact a lawyer and or the superintendent ( the head of the school district) and explain what happend

- Elisha - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

If I was in your position, I would report it to Facebook. The person must have been using a illegal programme to hack into your accounts.

- Daniel - 02-19-2014 01:09 PM

It is Not Legal i Would Strongly Recommending Reporting This to the Superintendent

- ella - 02-19-2014 01:10 PM

MY school can look into everything we own that we use on our iPads that we. Are given from school. I get that they can look at our browser history and crap, but they can look at our private emails, Facebook,Instagram, everything ( they can hack I to our email and if they wanted they can use a kind of hack thing to watch our ipad screen...someone might be watching my screen as I type this O_o )

But I'm pretty sure this is illegal and you should report it to
A) principal
B) police
C) your parents
Then they will take all necessary action

- Salvador - 02-19-2014 01:13 PM

Hello, I know a few web hackers who created a system to hack accounts I use when I lost my password

link and good luck!

- Cynthia - 02-19-2014 01:15 PM

You are saying that the school hired a hacker to get into your Facebook accounts, which would be illegal. However, Facebook is very difficult to hack. My guess is that by knowing each of you, they had someone who could guess at your passwords. That, too, is illegal. With this in mind, I doubt that your school would be dumb enough to leave itself open for the lawsuits that would follow this type of action.

As for showing your messages...that is not illegal since these were on Facebook and are not private.

What you don't seem to understand is that schools and employers are now demanding social media passwords so they could check accounts to make sure nothing inappropriate is being posted about the school, company, or to make sure there aren't inappropriate pictures on the accounts.

This really shouldn't be an issue if you have nothing to hide.

- Carlos - 02-19-2014 01:19 PM

link and good luck!