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Introverts out there, what is your biggest source of frustration? Can you relate to mine? - Printable Version

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Introverts out there, what is your biggest source of frustration? Can you relate to mine? - Forty Feet Up - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

As an "INFJ", I actually have two combined.

My first is..I can connect with very few people, and of those I do connect to, we seem to only ever talk about very trivial things, like jobs, programs/movies on TV, films and maybe minor events in our lives. I long for meaningful, in-depth, philosophical interaction, but it never happens. NEVER.

Secondly, whenever I spend a long period of time without any social contact other than family, negative thoughts enter my head about how I am different from my peers in terms of my personality and thoughts, etc. The longer I go without seeing/interacting with anyone else, the more I begin to feel isolated and alienated from society to the extent that I forget how to interact with people anymore. Leaves me feeling ANYthing but good.

On a side-note, I just quit Facebook no one keeps in touch. Imagine NO one keeping in touch in your own life. REAL friendships take way too long to find and build. Everyone I'm familiar with outside my family's nothing more than an acquaintance. I know everyone's got their lives and, other friends who are also nothing like me..

That's my biggest frustration. Interested to hear could get it in points! Much appreciated

- Anastasia - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

It's pretty much the same I just deactivated my facebook account too, and surprise surprise.. I lost all contacts with my friends, even my best friend. I never have deep conversations with anyone, but this year I started getting closer with my cousin and finally opened up a little, but I still think she doesn't care. I feel like nobody really knows me even my best friend whom I've known for 12 years, during the holidays I've left my house only once, my biggest frustration is that I can't find any connection with other people and they expect me to act like everyone else