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Why do people on the Internet nowadays type like they are illiterate? - Printable Version

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Why do people on the Internet nowadays type like they are illiterate? - Kaos743 - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

It is a pet peeve of mine when people misuse words such as "they're, there, and their" and "you're and your" and don't know when to say "a" and when to say "an" and it even seems to be a problem with people not understanding how to use the possessive apostrophe "s" and the plural "s". This I don't understand considering everyone old enough to be on a computer has probably passed the first or second grade where we are taught these simple things. I see this on social media and even on professional websites. Yes! Professional websites! I saw one recently on a website promoting some product on the market they are hoping to sell. They are trying to appeal to people and get them to buy their product and are literally trying to make someone believe they are professional or give off an air of sophistication all the while saying "there" when they mean "their."

Another thing on this subject is the question as to why people on websites like Facebook (actually almost exclusively Facebook) feel the need to taalk liek dis. This is generally found in people between the ages of 11 and 16. As a 14 year old I see so much of it that it is literally driving me to the point of insanity. I feel like reading my fellow peers statuses kills brain cells. I feel I am getting less intelligent just by reading the nonsense they have put forth onto the Internet. My question is, when did we loose our literacy skills and lack the ability to distinguish when it is grammatically appropriate to say your and you're. I have had enough of reading "me and jake will go out with are friends later" and "your being stupid" and "that's there house" I suppose this is more of a rant than a question, but if anybody knows I'd love to hear your take on the matter.

- Glitter - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Seems like you're unhappy about your life and focus on these kind of things you want to control badly

- Kaynex - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

I'm glad that people around here at least type well. That's one of Y!A's best traits.

- Steve - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

Those are exactly the sort of comments Judge Judy makes regarding the literacy of people nowadays. I find it amusing when she pulls a face and either is unable or refuses to read the text.

- Elwood_P_Dowd - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

I was a teacher for twenty-five years. Lord knows I tried to teach these things. For many years, teachers were discouraged from correcting such mistakes because it would interfere with students' creativity. Add to that the fact that students today don't care if they spell correctly or not. "Why do I need to learn this?" is the modern mantra.

- Lou C. Ferr - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM

It drives me nuts too

When I see this type of lazyness and ignorance I wonder which among them are going to be the next generation of business managers and leaders.

Sadly, many of them will graduate from high school or college never knowing they are among the "functional illiterate".

- Chacha - 02-19-2014 01:14 PM

It bugs the hell out of me too. Thing is, there are no real life consequences for bad writing. Even if a person's job or schooling is potentially affected by it, they'll find a way to squeeze by. Because surviving on spell-check is easier than simply remembering what we all learned in grade school?

- LoLo - 02-19-2014 01:21 PM

IDk wHat U talkN BOUt ~*~*~*

- Cass - 02-19-2014 01:25 PM

Some people are too lazy to type properly.
Other people forget to re-read their post/run their post through spell check before hitting 'enter' (or do not edit their post after hitting 'enter', and some ARE -unfortunately- illiterate.
But I guess most of it has to do with the whole "I have to post my opinion now, screw articulation!" culture we have going on in the last couple of years.