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It seems First Nations people are really peeved about this Bill C45. Why is the rest of Canada so apathetic?
02-16-2013, 04:22 AM
Post: #1
It seems First Nations people are really peeved about this Bill C45. Why is the rest of Canada so apathetic?
I mean they seem really mad according to First Nations websites and online commentary. The rest of Canadians either don't even know about it or just shrug their shoulders. Why the disconnect? It is not really that abusive as the First Nations people are making it out to be or do the other Canadians just not care? What's the real story here?


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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #2
One can only cry wolf so many times before the townspeople no longer believe you.

I think that Canada takes care of its First Nations people better than the United States takes care of its Native American population. But the First Nations people seem to do a lot of protesting, especially compared with their US counterparts. Eventually people begin to tune it out, especially if it is being done quite often.


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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #3
It's First Nations people who stand to lose the most, and it's First Nations people who are especially sensitive to being dickkked around. Why didn't Americans protest until Bush was impeached for starting and maintaining an illegal trillion-dollar war based on a lie? It all comes down to people just want to live their lives and not think about all the BS, and if their lives are OK enough, then they will not protest.
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #4
Nobody is forcing the first nations people to stay in poverty on their reserves. They are perfectly free to leave the reserves and MAKE a better life for themselves, just like the rest of us had to. The choice is theirs to make.
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #5
Bill 45 is designed to bring the native population into the present day world and off the reservation. Those that live on reservations (by their own choice I may add) have been so used to and demanding of government handouts that they don't want to do anything for themselves.

The native Canadians get lots of perks even if they don't live on the reservation. They get free tuition at the college or university of their choice. The only tax they pay when they live and work off the reserve is federal income tax and property tax if they own a home. This is a pittance compared to what the rest of Canada pays.

No I don't think the rest of Canada cares. We are tired of supporting a group of people who do nothing to help themselves. The USA paid off land claims years and years ago and where are those people today. Unless they live on a reservation that has casinos they live in abject poverty and not many people there care either.
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #6
Perhaps because a good many Canadians hold the same ignorant attitudes that Dowlling and Kenoplayer do. So yes......a good many Canadians DO NOT care. And won't care....until it is their own land, or home being threatened.

Free college or university of their choice? News to me. I competed for a SCHOLARSHIP, against four other students....The money for said scholarship was raised by four different Anishinaabe bands here in Ontario, who have a union. I BEAT the other four students out, due to my grades, activity in the community, and because it had to do with my hockey abilities. The other three students used OSAP to go to college. As did my sister, and brother. OSAP. NOT "free" tuition. NONSENSE! When I decided to return to school again, for a different degree....I USED OSAP. When I return this winter semester for yet another degree, I will again be using OSAP.

I live half the year on Reserve...half the year in the city, to be closer to my mother who was fighting cancer. I pay ALL taxes. I don't pay property tax on the Reserve....because guess who owns ALL the land on the Reserve? The is held in trust by them, for our USE. I can't buy property there. I can only reside there. If I want to cut down a tree that was near ready to fall on my house....I had to petition the crown for PERMISSION. And considering that NO provincial or municiple funding ever sees a Reserve, why would the people who live there pay into those services via taxes? When I lived in Eby Township, in Northern Ontario, it is an unincorporated township.....doesn't belong to any municipality. Meaning no roads were cleared. No garbage pick up. No fire department coverage. No sewer. Only $19/year in tax that goes to the school board. Had to pay a premium to the fire department otherwise they wouldn't attend a fire at my home. Do you complain about those things? OR that big businesses and churches are exempt from many taxes? Of course not. Less than 200,000 Natives in Canada benefit from tax breaks. And less than 30% of all Natives live on Reserves in Canada. There are faaar more churches than 200,000 not paying any taxes. And we DO pay GST/PST/HST for ALL goods and services purchased OFF the Reserve. The nonsense you people are spoon fed to fuel your hate! And you buy into it!

Living off their tax dollars? Wrong again. Reserves are funded off of MONEYS HELD IN TRUST. Moneys paid for the ceding of the lands. Moneys that already belong to us.....yet we have to apply to INAC to use them. And then spend years fighting red tape in order to do anything on our own lands, that we can't own.

The ignorance of people like Kenoplayer and Dowling....w/e is what keeps Canada divided. What would clear up all their nonsense misconceptions? Ten minutes on the INAC website. Are they interested in being educated? Of course not. They are happy in their bubble, like many ignoramuses are. It keeps them safe. It keeps them believing that what is continually done to us, for their benefit, can't ever happen to them. TREATIES were made so YOU could have the life you lead now. Legal, binding agreements. That many think it is okay to renege on. Is that the way thinks work in Canada?

Harper altered the constitution with his Omnibus Bill......the same one that contains their rights and freedoms. They would be in an uproar were it them.....but for now, it isn't, so that is okay.

Seems like Canada isn't the tolerant, accepting place they tout it is. Canadians are only interested in protecting their own interests, and the interests of people who are like them. Not too far off in the will be them. IF Canadians do not stand for the most marginalized people in their own country, just what do they stand for? You put on a good show, but time to put your words into actions. The world is watching, and Canada is being exposed for just what they are.

*Oh isn't all Canadians who are pathetic.....err....apathetic. We have the support of CAW, CUPW, David Suziki Foundation, CUPE and many other organizations who realize that this Bill is unconstitutional, an attack on democracy, and affects ALL Canadians.
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #7
The Harper Government wants the issue to be as hazy as possible, letting them get away with whatever they want.

The Canadian Government has for generations relied on misinformation to deal with Aboriginal issues outside of the public eye. Do you really think that your average Canadian would have been on board with what was going on at residential schools if they really knew at the time? They would all have to be sociopaths or psychopaths (I get the two confused, but basically monsters) to be behind that.

To most Canadians, they see First Nations or other Aboriginal protesters & they think something to the effect of, "Oh now what," or "Who really cares."

It's not an uncommon human reality....I mean really, when peeps see on TV what's going on way over there somewhere on the other side of the doesn't touch them....if Canadians think these issues don't impact them directly....

I'm hoping flash mobs & social media will help bring a deeper level of communication....this really isn't a Native issue, but a Canadian one....
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #8
Most Canadians believe that the Native Free Ride has to end. They are tired of these constant treaty battles between the Indians and the Government that just waste more tax payer money. And the current Government just keep passing on all the issues to the next government and the whole cycle starts all over again...... AD NAUSEUM .
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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #9
@ ✈ㄚahoo✈

Listen up!!!

The First Nations are saying

NO more THEFT.
NO more DESTRUCTION of our communities for your PROFIT.
NO more slandering our PEOPLE and our LEADERS.
NO more listening to your Endless "WOE IS ME" taxpayer "PROPAGANDA".

You Pay for NOTHING, . . . Get your Facts straight!!!!!




Learn YOUR Canadian History. . . There was NO WAR, NO CONQUEST in Canada.
That’s why there are treaties.

I'm just as disgusted by “Free Loading Invaders” and sickened by the fact many of their children will grow up to be as bitter, jaded, self-involved hypocrites who are content to do nothing beyond live on welfare just like their FREE LOADING parents.

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02-16-2013, 04:30 AM
Post: #10
Well, for starters, I'm not in favour of reduction in environmental protection laws. But suggesting the FN have some special deep and meaningful association with land that is sacred is a bunch of cow doodie.

FN have financially profited from the oil sands project where quote :

In 2008 alone, the oilsands provided more than $575 million worth of contract work to aboriginal-run firms in Northern Alberta; in the last decade, companies owned by First Nations people and bands, collected more than $3 billion from oilsands-related contracts. [unquote]

from the James Bay Hydro Electric dam project ( Paix des Braves)

and even in poor old Attawapiskat, they receive monies *undisclosed* even now from deBeers for the 164 mining claims

So, why the disconnect? Because the FN are playing both sides, and rather than come clean and allow public to make an informed decision, they think continually assigning guilt is part of the Canadian Charter of Rights. And just like any other people or race who operate in a tolatarism dictatorship where one or few decide without consult, transparency or democratic process what every other will have - there is wide spread corruption and deceit within some bands.

For example, what happened to the $95 MILLION dollars (my tax dollars) sent to Attawapiskat in 2006? A reserve with a paltry 1900 people - even with the absurd cost of construction in a desolate wilderness, surely you can build some houses and a school with that kind of money.

Yet in spite of that huge amount of capital, half (or most) are living in abject poverty. What is worse - some living in the very same reserve boast new SUVs, big screen 50" TV,

This is precisely why Canadians are fed up. When the FN will open their books and allow government auditors to examine where that money was spent - then MAYBE, I will reconsider.

What is really tragic is their own people are afraid to come forward, and many will never ever see one penny and many will continue to suffer.

As I understand it, Harpers requirement is to publicly disclose their books - they already have to report it. Its the best thing that ever happened to MOST FN people who have been screwed by their own leaders.

TREATIES were made so YOU could have the life you lead now. [unquote)

No, actually, treaties were made so that YOU could live the life YOU have now.

In any other culture, in the history of civilization - humans have had wars and have been conquered. Its brutal, its bloody and for the looser, it certainly must seem unfair.

Even as recently as 1945, countries in the Euro block after WW2 were forced into communism when Russia invaded in war times to defend against the Germans and then with a victory, never left. Do you think the people of Hungary were happy about it? Do you think they get a permanent stay and unlimited financial perks because they were assimilated in a war?

Do you study ANY other history or culture other than your own?

Genocide is often a result of war. Its not what I would choose, or endorse, but something that happened over 200 years ago does not make me responsible for it either.

Where there were no doubt wrongs and injustices done to the FN by the early Euro settlers - NO treaty ever guaranteed a millennium of social assistance, welfare, and unlimited social support on top of the profiteering through exploitation of lands and greedy extortion of public funds to a chosen few of band members.

I'm disgusted by the whole lot of them and sickened by the fact many FN children will grow up to be as bitter, jaded, self-involved hypocrites who are content to do nothing beyond live on welfare just their parents.
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