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Questioning the religious people of Yahoo.?
04-08-2014, 06:31 PM
Post: #1
Questioning the religious people of Yahoo.?
First. I am no way attacking your religion or your belief in God(s) I just have some questions for you! If you would like to go deeper into it please email me. Thank you Smile

1) Why do some believers believe thermodynamics debunk evolution?

2) If your God is real why is there no proof other than what the Bible or other religious holy book says? Without reading a religious holy book, no one can say look at that thats a sign of God.

3) If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), why did he take six days to create everything? Why not speak everything into existence all at once?

4)Why do innocent children have to suffer with terminal diseases such as cancer? What part of 'God's plan' is this exactly?

5) God wants everyone to worship and follow him and, if they don't, they burn in hell for all eternity. What does this type of attitude say about his character? By definition, he would be described as a tyrant.

ONCE AGAIN I am not trying to start a fight. I simply want to know the answers. Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to the answers I get Smile
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04-08-2014, 06:40 PM
Post: #2
While that's lovely and all, everyone here is far too lazy to send YOU an email to engage in conversation.

If you have a question, post it here so we can ignore it properly.


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04-08-2014, 06:48 PM
Post: #3
1) I have no clue

2) Don't know, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for those who want to know God, and He doesn't force Himself on unbelievers.

3)Because He wanted to, I suppose..that was good enough for Him.

4) All people suffer because we are mortal..that's just part of being human and living in a cruel world. Not His plan..we cause our own suffering.

5) He is holy and will not allow sin into His Kingdom...we must follow His rules or be condemned for not doing so; no, He isn't a tyrant because He isn't evil.
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04-08-2014, 06:49 PM
Post: #4
1. The theory of abiogenesis is that complex molecules randomly formed on the primitive earth. However, this contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics because without work put in, entropy should increase, not decrease. The 2nd Law is more commonly used as proof that the universe is not infinitley old.

2. That all depends on what you consider proof. For example, I consider the logical arguments for God proof, i consider the historical evidence proof, I consider most testimony proof. If you don't, that's your issue.

3. (Not 7 literal days btw. The creation story is allegorical) Why did He create everything over billions of years? I don't know. If He tells me, I'll pass it on to you.

4. Why are you asking me what God's plan is? I have enough to worry about figuring out his plan for me, let alone His plan for the hypothetical relatives of a hypothetical terminally ill baby. There's a lot about God we don't know, and frankly, that's how we would expect it to be.

5. First off, none of us has any right to judge God. But He's far from tyrannical. A lot of people have a skewed view of hell, thinking that it is a place God puts you because He's pissed at you. The Orthodox view is that we put ourselves in Hell; our view is that death closes the door of a room we have already entered. And God doesn't judge everybody in the same way; no one knows how they will be judged. And above all, He's merciful.
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04-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Post: #5
I believe you have the view of God wrong. What I believe is that he created us and gave us life and wants worship in return(it doesn't have to be like it was in the Middle Ages). It took 6 days because he didn't want to create it all at once. He just saw it was nice, kinda like when you subcontiously combine cheetos and icecream, its nice(in case youre wondering). Children suffer cancer because there is a need for them in heaven, or somewhere else God needs them(thats a guess). Personally, I believe in evolution. I'm christian, but I believe god had to go through several stages to perfect his image. The only proof of God you have is faith. Even though it may not seem real, try it. Read the bible. It will benefit you mentally even if it is a big hoax. But as for now, I believe and here are the answers.
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04-08-2014, 06:58 PM
Post: #6
I will answer most of your questions in one statement ,&quot; The ruler of earth is not God but the devil, God does not cause bad things to happen but since he does not own us until we repent and die he doesn&#x27;t stop the travesties&quot;
Going on towards your question about the evidence of God I can ensure you that intelligent design is present within this world , and to an extent evolution, however the problem I have with the atheist theory is the Big Bang theory. It is at this point that the proof becomes completely unverified, and is likely to never be proven &#x2F; disproven and as such you must rely on your faith on the subject. Much like we Christians rely on our faith , but unlike you I am content in my faith enough to leave others alone. In conclusion religion and science go hand and hand as our God is one of reason and order.
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04-08-2014, 06:59 PM
Post: #7
Dear Jake, may God bless u with 'knowledge' of Divine science. U appear to be quite confused n ignorant of certain Facts in spirituality.
Answer to all of ur Q can't be found anywhere except '' Bhagvat Geeta''-- Lordspeaks....Try nd find a good commentary by renowned saints.
If u wish, I can reply but not in this forum.
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04-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Post: #8
1. The vast majority of Christians already believe in evolution and have absolutely no problem with science. The ONLY ones making science an issue are atheists and fundamentalists.... two small but vocal groups.

2. There is plenty of evidence. Atheists having the ability to see the implications of the evidence seems to be the problem. Scientific evidence:
Miraculous evidence witness by 70,000 people:

3. He certainly could have if He wished but chose not to do so. The complete answer as to "Why?" you will have to take up with Him. Your question is akin to an advanced college student asking a second grader why his professor didn't like his thesis.

4. I firmly believe that we are here for one task... to learn selfless love so that we can be one with Him. We can only learn to love through the experience of evil, pain, suffering, toil and death. It is only when we have the complete free will to select to do any of the evil that leads away from love and God that we also have the free will to reject that evil and do the good that leads towards love and God. Anything other than a completely free choice negates any good we have done. Likewise in order to learn to love selflessly we first have to care about others who are outside of our social circle. We can only learn to care about others if we first learn compassion and sympathy. We can only learn compassion and sympathy by the personal experience of how pain, suffering, toil and death in yourself of someone within your social circle actually makes YOU feel. In as far as the death of people, no one has in fact suffered. No one has in fact ever died. Our true nature is as spiritual beings. Edgar Allan Poe may have been exactly correct when he wrote "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."

5. You have been talking to too many strict fundamentalists. Hell is not a place of fire and brimstone for the eternal punishment for sin. That would be absurd. It is a state of SELF-IMPOSED separation from God. It is conceivable that we all go to heaven, but those who totally refuse to acknowledge God simply cannot see what is all around them simply because they choose not to see it.
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04-08-2014, 07:12 PM
Post: #9
First of all I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so my answers will reflect my beliefs under this specific Christian religion.

1) I have no idea about this one. I've never heard this used to debunk evolution.

2) Our church believes in continued revelation from God that does not end with The Bible. This includes The Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants as well as the revelations our current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, receives today. We also believe miracles happen daily in people's lives that are signs of God. People who don't believe in a higher power would probably say these are coincidences, however.

3) It's generally considered that the 6 days (7 including day of rest) is more figurative. It's considered a period of time instead of a literal day. It's my personal belief, no doctrine in my church to back this up, that there are still processes that should be followed and care taken into what God made.

4) Mortality is not perfect. Not only things, but peoples' bodies and minds don't always work correctly. We believe that there was a life before we came to Earth where we made a choice to come to Earth to receive a physical body despite the hardships we would face. After we die, our imperfect bodies will become perfect and whole.

5) We believe there are actually three 'kingdoms of glory' after you die. It's not a traditional Heaven or Hell concept. Your actions determine which kingdom you go to. There is also a Perdition, however, not very many people who chose to come to Earth would be sent there. It would mostly be filled with people who chose to follow Satan in our Pre-Earth life and did not come to Earth and receive a body (see #4).
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04-08-2014, 07:18 PM
Post: #10
1...evolution is just a theory without proof.. you can say the same about faith but that's just it.. nether can be proven.. but faith is intuitive and all animal forms have intuition yet evolution has too many holes and does not quite make sense... and I can say the bible does too but to a believer it makes way more sense than we came from monkeys,birds or fish, or that a single cell evolved some into a complex human and others became ants? the history of humanity, it has been proven that faith is something innate in that a higher being exists... even the most intelligent of early civilizations, with out a "book" or indoctrination has worshiped some form of deity. even people that were born blind, deaf and without language "knew" that there was a higher being.. e.g Helen Keller claimed she knew before she could communicate in any way that there existed something more superior to man...

3.While we don't know all the reasons God does what He does... it is clear that by the only reason that He is God and that He can, then He does what ever He wills for His own purpose that we might not be able to understand as lowly humans.. just as sometimes you may do or act in ways that to others might not seem understandable or for a reasonable purpose... only you may know that purpose.. God chose to make the world in 6 days for a reason we don't know or understand...just because He wanted to..

4. again,only God knows His own reasons but I will make a small attempt to explain what I do understand about God's character... When Adam sinned, He brought disease upon the world due to sin and corruption... according to the bible.. "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..(Romans 3:24) God is Light and sin free, Sin is darkness.. light and darkness cannot be together at any given time.. Where God is He brings in Light and blocks out darkness... therefore God cannot live anywhere where there is sin (or darkness) .. where there is sin there is corruption and disease.. disease does not respect age,sex,race, beauty, wealth, worldly position or any "human" trait... so because of this, children are subject to sin and corruption just the same as anyone else.. why does God allow this... my thought is because God does respect innocence and prefers sometimes to take a child to be with Him rather than let the corruption of this world send them to their own destruction.. I believe God being the giver and creator of life knows and decides who should live and who should not.. after all He is God.. so he can do whatever he decides is best...

5.. once again.. God cannot live with sin.. He repulses it, it repulses God... light and darkness cannot live together and sin is darkness so if you where to go live in heaven with God you cannot be in darkness(sin) because God repulses darkness.. There is only one way for you to be able to live in God's presence.. to be sinless.. so you have to have your sins washed away through some sort of sacrifice.. (this is the way God made man atone for his sins in the old testament- cleansing and purging sins through sacrifice- in the new testament.. Jesus became that sacrifice- by you putting your faith and belief in Jesus and allowing Him to "change" your heart, you become cleansed so that you may live with God and share His promises... God doesn't condemn you to hell, that just where sin goes.. and God LOVED the world so much, that He gave his ONLY Son to be that sacrifice, so that ANYONE who wants to accept THIS SACRIFICE THAT GOD HIMSELF DID FOR MAN will now be able to enter into heaven cleansed, forgiven and sharing all the good that God has prepared for them..(John 3:16) How is that tyranny.. I see it as the ultimate sacrifice and proof of Gods love for us...

this concept is kind of like the glass half empty or half full concept...
You see it the opposite... "God wants everyone to worship and follow him and, if they don't, they burn in hell for all eternity"
Believers in Christ see it as .... see how much God loves us that He gave the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I can have abundant, beautiful, and perfect life forever and ever... He deserves our worship...
John 3:18
For God DID NOT send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
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