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What's wrong with my sister?!?
06-17-2014, 10:30 PM
Post: #1
What's wrong with my sister?!?
Hear me out, i think she's some sort of crazed fool! Help me diagnose her to get her the right help.

1. She always talks about killing someone. It used to be just one or two people, now she talks about killing/hurting anyone on her mind. She's described to me possible ways that she's wanted to kill even teachers who give her a bad grade!

2. She feels no remorse/shame! I finally caught her stealing some CD's about a week ago and (in the process of her stealing them) she explained to me she does it quite often. When i told her it was wrong she insisted it wasn't and stole the CD's anyway.

3. Her lack of socializing worries me. She hates socializing (doesn't text, doesn't have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, KIK, etc.) She absolutely hates having to speak to anyone unless it's face to face & even then she seems very annoyed/uninterested.

4. She lies way too much. When i told her not to steal to CD's she said ok, but turned around and stole them anyway! She's a compulsive liar. She lies to teachers, me, our parents. She'll lie to God or the President of the US with no second thought.

5.She's always insulting people & then tries to play it off as a joke.

6. She "makes friends" with people I hate. For some reason that person i hate feels she's their friend, but really she just makes fun of that person behind their back to me using the stuff they tell her. BUT SOMEHOW my sister has lots of people who things she's a good person when she's a huge gossiper!

7. She smokes anything she can get her hands (mainly cigarettes and marijuana). Not to mention she's a drinker (not an alcoholic, just a social drinker like at parties and stuff).

8. She's 18 and i feel like she's sort of a "player". She gets these guys to buy her nice things but she's never had a relationship for longer than 4 months! Not to mention the first time she lost her virginity was with a stranger on our family vacation while her current boyfriend was missing her dearly back at home.

9. She gets in trouble for the same things constantly. She's been talking her way out of write-ups and, yet, majority of her teachers hate her because she's so rude and carefree!

10. The sad thing is she's a smart girl. Her grades don't show it, but if you have a question she'll have the answer to it. For example, she failed three classes her Junior year but that same year she got a 2200 on the SAT. In group discussions she's also very rational.

Listen, i could go on and on about her, but believe me when i say i don't think any of this is normal. If she continues on with this behavior she's going to turn into some sort of lonely and crazed fool sooner or later.
Please, what should i do about her? The things above happen all the time & i think it's time for them to stop.


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06-17-2014, 10:41 PM
Post: #2
it might be the marijuana thats frying her brains


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06-17-2014, 10:56 PM
Post: #3
You may want to see professional help if you think she might do anything serious. Regardless, your sister needs to a therapist.

She is either an amoral and shameless con artist, or a high functioning sociopath.
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06-17-2014, 11:11 PM
Post: #4
If what you say is true and you ARE NOT exaggerating, then your sister has severe emotional problems and quite frankly, it sounds as though she has entitlement issues, zero empathy, is a recluse, substance abuser, kleptomaniac, and a possible pathological liar......which is all alarming because it sounds like she may be a ticking time bomb.

So, what do you do?

Without sounding like a bratty sibling, go to your parents and let them know that you are truly concerned about your sister's behavior. Do not make what you are talking about as if you are tattle-telling, rather be concerned. Don't get into great detail (about the CD's, just that she shop lifts), but be sincere and be concerned.
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06-17-2014, 11:28 PM
Post: #5
You need to tell an adult, your parents, a clergyman, a trusted teacher, etc., but it is critical you do that SOON, this is the sort of mindset that creates a Sandy Hook.
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06-17-2014, 11:38 PM
Post: #6
She sounds like a normal teenager

So what if she doesn't have Facebook ect? Because she doesn't want to be a modern day slave that can be tracked like you?
She is NOT a compulsive liar doing that, a compulsive liar lies for NO reason like saying the sky is purple for stance. I have met many compulsive liars she doesn't sound like one.

You sound to me like your a prude and need to get out of your bubble thinking the world is made of bunny rabbits and rainbows
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