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Should I feel bad I depledged this sorority?
06-20-2014, 07:48 PM
Post: #1
Should I feel bad I depledged this sorority?
I've already dropped and started the process of depledging, and some of the girls were pretty disapointed. But honetly, there was never anything going on, some of the members were passive-agressive and catty, and they stalked my facebook and twitter onitoring what I could and couldn't say. I just don't feel comforitable paying that much money because I was unhappy. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings so I said it was because I was transfering (which I am, and it has a pretty big influence on my decison as well). But should I feel bad? I thought you were free to leave.
A part of me did know, but I really wanted to give them an honest chance. I learned more about myself though and that I don't need to be a part of a group of shallow girls to feel better about myself. That's worth something, I suppose.


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06-20-2014, 08:03 PM
Post: #2
That is how it is - didn't you know?

Ten years from now, it won't even matter.


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06-20-2014, 08:06 PM
Post: #3
If you find you don't fit in with a campus group after all, you should be free to leave. I did that with a couple of groups at my alma matter which turned out to not be as compatible as I thought.

We weren't clicking on what "I" felt was important---so my time was not worth being in the group.

College is fast-paced, so putting your time towards something which IS important to you and does match your priorities IS a very smart idea. Don't just do something to fit in/go along. Be honest with yourself and what you personally need.
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06-20-2014, 08:09 PM
Post: #4
If they were not doing what you expected, feel sorry for the ones that stay but do not feel bad for the organization. You gave them a try and too bad for them.

Go and have no regrets.
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06-20-2014, 08:21 PM
Post: #5
Don't feel bad. If you don't feel at home, it isn't right for you. You gave it a chance, and it didn't work out. It's better to depledge than to be unhappy for the next 4 years. Anyways, now you have the chance to rush again, if you had waited until you were initiated and then dropped you would not have been able to. Sometimes I wish I had dropped my own sorority, because I think I might have been happier in another one. It is what it is, don't feel bad. By the way, if they're making you feel bad and treating you like that, that probably isn't a house you would want to be in anyways.
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06-20-2014, 08:29 PM
Post: #6
No need to feel bad. They are stalking you to make sure you don't say anything bad about them publically. Defriend them it they are too nosey
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