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is there a difference between a Roman Catholic and a Christian Catholic?
05-11-2013, 03:52 PM
Post: #1
is there a difference between a Roman Catholic and a Christian Catholic?
my facebook says im roman catholic but some of my friends facebook says christian-catholic. is there a difference? we all go to the same church but im just wondering


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05-11-2013, 04:02 PM
Post: #2
Yes there are differences in the various catholic faiths

The Roman Catholic church, the largest of the Christian churches, although present in all parts of the world, is identified as Roman because of its historical roots in Rome and because of the importance it attaches to the worldwide ministry of the bishop of Rome, the pope. Several Eastern Rite Churches, whose roots are in regional churches of the Eastern Mediterranean, are in full communion with the Roman Catholic church.

In 1980 there were some 783 million Roman Catholics, approximately 18% of the world's population. The 51 million Roman Catholics in the United States (1982) constitute 22% of that country's population. These statistics are based on baptisms, usually conferred on infants, and do not necessarily imply active participation in the church's life nor full assent to its beliefs.

A growing estrangement between the Catholic church in the West and the Orthodox church of the East in the first millennium led to a break between them in the 11th century, and the two regions diverged in matters of theology, liturgy, and disciplinary practices. Within Western Christianity beginning with the 16th - century Reformation, the Roman Catholic church came to be identified by its differences with the Protestant churches.

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05-11-2013, 04:18 PM
Post: #3
Catholic Church is Catholic. Although I would change it because most people have like Christian - Catholic, or Christian - Lutheran. There's no difference is just easier.
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05-11-2013, 04:26 PM
Post: #4
the catholic church worships idols and not there god therefor he who is first will be last !
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05-11-2013, 04:28 PM
Post: #5
The "Roman" descriptor is technically a misnomer, as it is not actually part of the Church's name and contrary to popular belief, does not believe that it's roots are in Rome (but rather Jerusalem). "Roman" is an adjective that was added during the protestant reformation by protestants in a derogatory way, but Catholics, in true Catholic fashion, instead of getting pissed about it, turned and ran with it. Though it is still technically inaccurate, it is in common use today.

When one says "Christian-Catholic" they are saying that they are Christian and that the type of Christian they are is Catholic. There are a small, but rather vocal, minority of Christians who believe that Catholics are pagan or even devil worshipers. When a Catholic chooses to label themselves Christian as well as Catholic, they are making a self-declaration that the derisive belief that they are not Christian is utterly false.

btw - you can change you religion on facebook at any time. So if you want it to say "Christian-Catholic", you can.
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05-11-2013, 04:41 PM
Post: #6
They both refer to the same thing - the Catholic Church. There's just a slight difference in emphasis. Catholic means, universal. Christian refers to the founder Jesus Christ, and would give emphasis to the form of worship. Roman gives emphasis to the fact that this Church recognizes the Pope, Bishop of Rome, as the supreme head, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, on earth.
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05-11-2013, 04:51 PM
Post: #7
No. Roman Catholics were the first Christians. "Christian-Catholic" doesn't make any sense because there aren't any Catholics who *aren't* Christians.
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05-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Post: #8
We're CHRISTIAN because we are Catholic.
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05-11-2013, 05:20 PM
Post: #9
Neither title cancels these issues: Religion doesnt = the truth but many CONFUSE telling the TRUTH (offends many) with HATE. 40+ yrs I studied the whole Bible, some parts many times. JESUS founded Christianity (or it wouldnt exist - I Cor 3:11) NOT Peter/Cc/Oc. JESUS is THE 1 who taught Peter the full truth (so Peter tho fallible knew the real truth) 2 prepare him 2 help head the church on Jesus' behalf starting with Israel when Jesus was here (THE Rock is Jesus NOT Peter [a human = sinner] {1 Cor 10:4 - the Bible NEVER changes its usage/says NOT 2 GO BEYOND whats written} - Peter imitates, but wasnt/replacing Jesus like the Cc has its pope "Vicar" appear 2 [& his so-called throne infallible claims] - Jesus/Peter NEVER SAT ON an EARTHLY throne [HUGE HINT]).

The 12 Apostles were killed off/died WITHIN the 1rst Century - Christianity was illegal @ the time & the Bible shows corruption already getting in2 some original churches [yes, Judas had 2 b replaced so the original 12 Pillars the church foundation is built on remains intact in accordance with Scripture] - u can b Apostolic {fatherly} if ur teachings r correct (like Paul) but u never replace an original Apostle.

Most original disciples were also killed off/died/forced in2 hiding by Romans/others - theres NO CONNECTION btwn Jesus' original followers/Cc/Oc. In effect, the original church was wiped out & isolated pockets of true believers were greatly weakened, made it easier 4 those wanting 2 use a Christian label 4 other purposes 2 sow corruption (especially since most were illiterate @ the time - Cc claims it didnt give out Bibles 4 over a 1000 yrs b/c ppl couldnt read so why didnt they teach ppl 2 read?).

Rest-assured neither Jesus/Apostles authorized Cc/Oc Apostolic succession [final 12 werent 2 b replaced - God's fixed order of all things Biblical] - next so-called generation added more corruption that became part of core beliefs of the Cc about 313-325 AD with Constantine's support + more Pagan/OT practices (later RCc split - center Rome). By 390 AD the Cc again worked with Roman State-Augustine (against Jesus' teaching).

Its impossible 4 a church 2 know Jesus w/o knowing Jesus' actual Biblical instructions, absent in Cc teachings (Cc didnt write any part of NT [not a Cc text] - Apostles wrote NT in the 1rst century {NT Gospels/letters preserved the truth 4 all ppl [purpose 4 it being written] not the Cc} - God allowed the Cc 2 produce the Bible despite their wrong teachings [its a privilege not a right] like He allowed Romans 2 fulfill prophecy w/o their knowledge [happening again today]).

God/Jesus already fully knew (God declared the end from the beginning) what was 2 b written in the NT/OT - the truth is complete within its pages (NT proves OT is true/OT reinforces the truth of the NT [2 witnesses]). Cc possession wasnt until the 4th cent - contradicts Cc claims (after M Luther many Protestants/others kept the Cc's wrong format leading 2 other wrong teaching).

Sadly, the Cc made the mistake many made, they didnt follow Jesus' Biblical instructions when they set up the Cc. 2 main lies r (cancels out their other teachings - most rnt Biblical anyway [see below] - another false gospel among many/real revisionist church history):

1. CC claims 2 b the 1rst church & since they r the longest existing church, they r the only "official" church. Jesus' Apostles never named their church "catholic (not in line with God's eternal message that never changes)" nor did they ever practice Cc rituals. There was nearly a 240 yr gap btwn Jesus' original Apostle's church & start of the organized Cc so the Cc was never a part of/the true 1rst Christian Church (neither a label/title/name, its history, # of members/amount of time it existed or claims made about them (like persecution) proves anything - its whats practiced (with respect 2 the real Biblical truth) that makes it either the whole truth or a lie. Calling a dog god [or pope] doesnt make it God. U can call anything anything - i.e Neither Jesus/Biblical prophets were muslims as Islam claims).

2. Peter was never a pope nor was he/his fellow Apostles ever Cc members (it isnt in the Bible = no apostolic succession). The Cc "pope" claim is a Cc invention - dont go beyond whats written (I Cor 4:6; Rev 22:18-19). Peter (ministry 2 Jews/Paul 2 Gentiles) wasnt a Cc bishop (he died nearly 240 yrs b4 the Cc). Peter wouldnt call himself a pope nor b a Cc member b/c calling 1self the "Holy" "Father" along with all false Cc teachings (no "human" priesthood/rituals after Jesus) r abominations. Even the devil knows Jesus is God's Son so 1 would b wise not 2 trust any church "authority" ahead of whats written in the Bible. Calling urself Christian/saying u believe Jesus doesnt make it true (i.e. RECITAL of words is meaningless).

No matter how much well-meaning ppl (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus Christ w/o going directly 2 Jesus thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 that cant b properly understood w/o Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14, Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT w/o Jesus then 4 sure all gentiles cant) - why theres many interpretations/many thinking its fairy tales (Jesus came with the sword of division).

The Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans, not even ourselves, clergy/churches/scholars, scientists/TV (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prv 14:12; Acts 17:11) so carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write. It might save u from making the mistake many made, getting caught up in religious beliefs having nothing 2 do with knowing God (poisoned tree & its fruit). I.e. Many claim God is love/love ur neighbor but they dont know what God's actual definition/application of love is.

More Cc wrongs:

Mass (not in the Bible) is full of non-biblical rituals/rites, statues (God isnt in2 dead things - non-living things can't help/save u - praying 2/using/having them is an abomination), the Rosary/beads, mother Mary (virgin 2 Jesus' birth) as interceder (Jesus is the only way 2 God - not His Apostles/disciples - Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12; IS 1 - Mary was a sinner [no assumption - she's asleep {dead} until the 2nd Coming] & had children after Jesus - Mt 12:46-50), candles, incense, the cross (more a symbol of the curse rather than Jesus & 4 same reasoning against statues), making sign of/stations of the cross, pope's/other leader's clothing, thrones, rings, confirmation, Cc creed/other documents, raising dead/ppl 2 the status of "saint" (only God/Jesus hv this authority), "human" priesthood/monks/nuns, purgatory, catechism, devotionals, sacraments, holy eucharist/water, penance, traditional/repetitive type prayers/chants, oral tradition & many other things they do rnt Biblical (false teachings cancel out any truth u hv).

Its b/c religion is about man & what he likes, not what Jesus mandated us 2 do 2 know Him - result is few will end up saved thru most of them (no1 can save themselves by their own initiative nor will good deeds save u - theres no good in any man - Rom 1:23). 1 must b very careful not 2 get sucked in or going 2 various denominations (especially if u dont know much about whats actually written in the Bible) - only adds 2 any confusion u hv.

Just b/c religions made many fatal mistakes doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing. Many miss this: Jesus is the only 1 in history who said no1 can find our real God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:11) - means the truth was complete/finished thru what Jesus did. So, any so-called new/other teachings r invalid & cant lead u 2 God. The truth is either the whole truth (absence of any lie) or its a lie. Either Jesus told the whole truth or He's a false prophet, among many, who should b disregarded - would also mean God must not exist either (He either knows what He's doing or He cant b God).

Proof God knows all: Jesus couldnt hv done/said what He did unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist @ the time of Jesus - only way Jesus couldve known the whole OT is if God sent Him) - Apostles couldnt write NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 know/remember what He did (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only God could cause it.

A church thats very serious about finding the Biblical truth/understands what being Born Anew is about, might b able 2 help u but no1 can save u except Jesus (Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flat out told him he had missed the 1rst most important step, that he must b Born Anew or no matter how religious/good he thought he is he couldn't go 2 Heaven (Jn 3:3,5; 14:6; Acts 4:12). No1 can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law = sin which separates us from God (why we need 2 b rightly Born Anew).

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05-11-2013, 05:31 PM
Post: #10
The Catholic Church is the one and true universal Church, but in addition to Roman Catholics, there are approximately 22 other groups that are Catholic and in communion with the Bishop of Rome. These include Maronite, Coptic, Chaldean, etc.

I doubt your friends are aware of this; but yes, there are other Catholics besides Roman Catholics.
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