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Was Prince Harry unfairly photographed while in private ? - Printable Version

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Was Prince Harry unfairly photographed while in private ? - Tim M - 12-15-2012 12:31 PM

Though some of his private activities may seem to a bit over the top, was he unfairly photographed ?Im sure many folks walk around in the buff when in private, why should it not be any different for the Royals? I am an American and I think it is unfair

- Sheepish grin - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

If he was photographed in the buff I would rather not see the pictures. Was he wearing a safety helmet in New Zealand though?

- DeeleyM - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

Was that even him?? I s'pose it was.

You'd think that high profile people, especially royals, wouldn't ever allow themselves to be found in compromising situations. A bit of decorum for the crown puleeeez!!

Some people never learn......or care!

- TheRealDean - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

The Royals have never had a private life, any questionable act such as this has been exaggerated and inflated beyond what is deemed to be necessary.

- Count de Money - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

He was not walking around in the buff in private;.he was entertaining a group of people in his room. HM will not be pleased!

- SIR ROY. .K.G - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

"He who lives by the sword ....................."

- Yasmin - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

I've read that His Royal Highness has a rather impressive set of crown jewels, so I would love to see the pictures! Why shouldn't he have fun and show his sexy body off? The person who took the photo should be sent to the Tower tho, and their place of birth nuked to show they shouldn't mess with the English Crown.

- Lili - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

Yes, on the face of it, but the reality is that in return for high position and privilege, you have to accept some downsides, and one of these is that you don't enjoy the same level of privacy other people do. Whatever you do may become fodder for public consumption, and you need to behave accordingly.

It's an unavoidable trade-off, and there's nothing to be done about it, especially not in this day and age of camera phones and other gadgets.

- C.G. - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

It is unfair. In this day and age, too many people don't know what PRIVATE means. Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, and similar sites, ill-mannered, thoughtless people post things that used to be shared only among friends. This is a quest for what Andy Warhol called 15 minutes of fame; everyone wants to be a celebrity, or to be rich and famous. Too many amateur paparazzi think that they will gain fame and riches by selling such photos. What these people don't understand, is that their actions show them as callous, untrustworthy and infamous.

- B K - 12-15-2012 12:39 PM

Well the person who took the photos was obviously there by his permission, and there was obviously more than two people in the room where he was prancing about naked, so I guess privacy wasn't really on his mind - the word exhibitionism comes to mind - perhaps he should choose his friends more carefully.

I'm British, I'm not bothered, or shocked. So, he has a bottom and genitals, and has naked romps - is that news?