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I found out the man im seeing is married, how do I tactfully tell him I know? - Printable Version

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- Hurricain - 03-13-2014 09:03 AM

I'll be damned. All this time I have been thinking that Facebook was not useful for any purpose whatsoever.

- LW - 03-13-2014 09:16 AM


- Bradley - 03-13-2014 09:30 AM

Just tell him that you know he is married and ask him why he did not tell you. He will probably give the same old same old excuses of a cheater. I don't love her, I'm getting a divorce, I really care for you. DON'T fall for it all cheaters are the same they like the side action and excitement but always go home in the end. Break it off with him and tell him he needs to look really hard at his life and make the right changes to make it right with his wife.

- swbarnes2 - 03-13-2014 09:40 AM

1)Cut him off entirely, don't degrade yourself by exchanging another word with a filthy cheat.

2)Contact him only enough to say "You are married, so we are done. Don't contact me again".

- Sue C - 03-13-2014 09:47 AM

He's married, cheating on his wife, & you're "worried" how to "tactfully" tell him you know he's married?! For someone who cheats on their spouse, you don't worry about being tactful about anything. He's the one who should be worried, not you!! I would calmly let him know you found out he's married. Now you're wondering how long he was going to wait to be honest with you & tell you he's a married man. One you have NO chance of having a future with, one you'd put your trust in. Let him know just how you feel. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Let him know you are going to end it with him. You want someone you can at least look forward to possibly end up with a loving future of happiness with. This cannot hope to happen with him. You are not one to be involved in breaking up anyone's marriage. Not one who would hurt another by breaking their heart. You've made up your mind you're going to end it all with him. You're not the one who is going to break his wife's heart when she finds he's cheating on her.Tell him you want no more conversations with him. You're going to free yourself from him & go forward with your life. There IS a special someone out there just for you. You haven't met him yet, but will when you least expect it. You'll then have ALL the loving happiness your heart can hold. Put him in your past & your past will forever be gone, but your future is still your own. KNOW the best IS yet to come & it WILL...Smile

- korana - 03-13-2014 09:54 AM

say you're fcking marreid, aw my fcking god...and exist his life...

he's a terrible wanker...

- OceanBlue0910 - 03-13-2014 09:56 AM

Look in the Old Testament about adultery. You will see how VERY serious and destructive adultery is. Pray to God that He will let you understand how evil it is and how He,The Most High God sees it. Getting into am intimate relationship with a married person brings certain devastation into the lives of ALL connected to it, INCLUDING the children and will effect yet unborn generations. That man's children will see their father in a bad light and it will hurt them. ALSO: People get shot or killed when someone takes their man or woman.
I deeply hurt the woman I married by just talking to an ex girl friend. The talk on the phone, led to adultery and my children's image of me was damaged. We divorced. Health problems developed, I suspect as a result of the divorce in me, my wife AND the children. Stress and eating disorders. Stress leads to healh problem. When divorcing or in an adulterous affair, we are often totally blind to the damage we are doing to children and ourselves. After a marriage is destroyed or damaged, the forces of evil (devil, demons )probably celebrate their victory. Get on your knees in a dark quite place and talk to The Most High God about this and ask HIM to give you the wisdom and strength to get out of it. NOTHING is too hard for God. I thought my marriage could not be saved after adultery. Years later. after talking to my ex wife, I knew I was totally WRONG. I have NEVER EVER regretted ANYTHING as much as committing adultery and viewing porn which also damaged the marriage. Even today I hurt and suffer from the effects of the divorce and adultery and porn viewing. By the way, I can guarantee you that this man will cheat on you and may be doing that now, and he is most likely into porn or other sexual immorality. He may be having sex with other men even.