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Should Social Security be privatized? - Printable Version

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- Liberty Now! - 03-21-2014 05:30 PM

Absolutely Not. Would you really trust your retirement to a Business. Think Enron or CitCorp? With the stock market fiasco this past Monday is their even a reason to ask this.

- Isabella V - 03-21-2014 05:40 PM

OMG, NO! What has happened to our compassion any, we are picking on the elderly, and sick?....Obama\ Biden 08'

- Ellen S - 03-21-2014 05:53 PM


- Kjelstad 3.0 - 03-21-2014 06:00 PM

The Stock Market, right.... How is that doing this week? Have you looked?

- Justin - 03-21-2014 06:06 PM

OMG.....NO! McCain is crazy to suggest such.

He could care less about social security.....he's a multi millionaire, he'll never need social security.


- Jay M - 03-21-2014 06:08 PM

HELL NO.....Social Security needs to be there....especially if you look at the volitale market right now the privatization of SS could spell doom for generations of Americans during rough economic times......look at the past 3 days gods sake!

- Liberal - 03-21-2014 06:16 PM

NO. How can anyone even suggest it after the latest Wall Street mess.

Corporations are in business for only one reason, Profit.

Giving them our tax dollars and social security to speculate and gamble away makes absolutely no sense.

- The Planet - 03-21-2014 06:23 PM

No, absolutely no. People can't be trusted to manage a fund for their golden years. Too many won't do it or will mismanage it or will get ripped off, leaving them with nothing when they are too old to work. Then what? Are we going to leave them in the streets to die? No, the government will have to use tax payer money to take care of those people.

- discombobulated - 03-21-2014 06:32 PM

No Social security should just go away since I will never see any of my money again anyway. All the babyboomers are spending mine as we speak.

- mightaswel - 03-21-2014 06:44 PM

The reason Social Security is having problems is because the government uses the money from Social Security to pay it's bills. If we privatize Social Security, then hopefully the government will not be able to get to it before we do.

I think anything is better than the way the government does things. I can't stand them telling me what to do with my money. I'd like the privatization idea if they let me put it where I'm most comfortable with, otherwise, what does it matter?