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What political party do you favor and why? - Printable Version

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- Shaun Holt - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

Republican, because they are supposed to be for limited government, smaller government, fiscal responsibility, free markets and free enterprise states rights, the Constitution, civil rights, individual freedom, the rule of law, a strong military, and self-reliance.

- Sean - 03-24-2014 11:06 AM

Republican because I believe in creating a strong country based on American principles that everyone can benefit from. Freedom is options and opportunities, the more of these things there are the better the American people do.

- The Humanist - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM


Both parties suck.
Why do I feel this way?...They're all bought and paid for by special interests groups who lobby for perks and favors, all they do bicker back and forth while blaming each other for wrecking the country. Meanwhile nothing gets done. Yet, they only thing they can agree on is passing out special favors for the person(s) who bankrolled their campaign.

All we get is political posturing, gridlock and heated rhetoric. How can any of this be productive for the country?

I lost all hope in the american political system and call me cynical if you want. But the way I see it 2014 nor 2016 will change anything. New faces, new messages, new people same old crap. They will just pick right up where the others left off. They would try and make them seems different but in reality it won't change much. Swing hard to left or the right either we it won't be in the people's best interest. Only theirs.

- Who now? - 03-24-2014 11:23 AM

Democrats. I don't wish to support lazy conservatives.

- FluffyTech - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

The Rent Is Too Damn High Party!

But on the occasion I tend to side with the libertarians. I even agree with a few Green Party policies as well.