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My friend wont take these pictures of me off FB? - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Nal - 03-24-2014 12:06 PM

Shouldn't have been on there in the first place. But it'll be alright.

- Jessica - 03-24-2014 12:13 PM

There is an option on facebook to report the pictures. It will ask why you are reporting and you choose the option that says "they are of me and I didn't give permission for posting." they will take them down and I'm pretty sure if she reposts them, they will delete her account.

"What your friends share about you
Links and Tags
Anyone can add a link to a story. Links are references to something on the Internet; anything from a website to a Page or timeline on Facebook. For example, if you are writing a story, you might include a link to a blog you are referencing or a link to the blogger's Facebook timeline. If someone clicks on a link to another person's timeline, they'll only see the things that they are allowed to see.
A tag is a special type of link to someone's timeline that suggests that the tagged person add your story to their timeline. In cases where the tagged person isn't included in the audience of the story, it will add them so they can see it. Anyone can tag you in anything. Once you are tagged, you and your friends will be able to see it (such as in News Feed or in search).
You can choose whether a story you've been tagged in appears on your timeline. You can either approve each story individually or approve all stories by your friends. If you approve a story and later change your mind, you can always remove it from your timeline.
If you do not want someone to tag you, we encourage you to reach out to them and give them that feedback. If that does not work, you can block them. This will prevent them from tagging you going forward.

If are you tagged in a private space (such as a message or a group) only the people who can see the private space can see the tag. Similarly, it you are tagged in a comment, only the people who can see the comment can see the tag.
Once you are in a group, anyone in that group can add you to a subgroup. When someone adds you to a Group, you will be listed as "invited" until you visit the Group. You can always leave a Group, which will prevent others from adding you to it again."

- OMI JEN - 03-24-2014 12:22 PM

Your Friend??? Needs to respect your wishes,,,
Maybe the pictures aren't as bad as you think
As long as they don't show you half naked or high on booze or drugs, they can't be too bad
Talk to her...Let her know how upset you are...If she is a friend, she will respect you wishes