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Future mother-in-law upset because I blocked her from my Twitter account. Can't she leave me alone? - Printable Version

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- hope - 03-24-2014 12:51 PM

It is your right to have your privacy!
It doesnt matter who she is, mother or mother in law!
I think you did the right thing and its good that you did it from the beginign.
Best of luck!

- eldots53 - 03-24-2014 12:52 PM

Wow. I have real mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, you are being very public about your activities with your family and friends, yet you don't want her seeing it. How can you have privacy, with a tool that is in fact very public? Does this mean, only family and friends in your age group, and no mothers are in your following? Or are you just cranked that she asked why she was locked out? If she had just kept her mouth shut, you would never have known. Always a problem with these social networking tools.

The simple fact is that anything you put out there can be shared second hand by anybody who is part of your following. So, you would be a fool to say anything to anybody who might pass it on - and how can you know that even now? Something to think about.

I think you spoke to her very rudely, even though I am sympathetic about your discomfort. She may be nosy, but when you open up a public networking account, that God and the rest of the world can look at unless YOU take precautions, it seems a lot hypocritical for you to feel that she is "spying" on you and invading your privacy. Just because your mother wouldn't do it, doesn't mean nobody else would - like, your EMPLOYER, any one of your enemies, the guy down the street who wants to stalk you - get the point? All that proves is that she is not your mother. Big deal. What you *should* have said, more politely, is "I just don't feel comfortable having anybody like my parents following my activities. Not that there is anything to be ashamed of, but it's just my preference, and I know that you will respect my preferences. "

But if your parents ARE included on the list, then you really come across looking like a huge hypocrite.

- Wilma F - 03-24-2014 12:58 PM

so it's alright for you to cyberstalk your family and friends but it's not alright for her to do the same thing to you.

you're over reacting. If you don't want people knowing what you are doing then don't participate in the public masturbation that twitter and FB and blogging is all about.

if you're not posting anything you wouldn't want your mother to know about then why do you care who sees it?

Your actions have just set you on the warpath w/ your FMIL and have given her the impression that you aren't such a stand up gal and might not be such a good match for her little prince because you've given her the impression you have something to hide. Good luck crawling out of that hole you've dug for yourself.

one suggestion:
Betty was blogging and found out that Barney's dad found her blog and was reading it. it freaked her out when she found out but she never said anything to him about it. Instead she decided to phase her blog to another site that had more controls on who could and couldn't see her content. She still posted on her old blog but her posts became less and less frequent until eventually she stopped blogging on the old site. She never told her FIL that she had moved her blog and she just let him think that life got too hectic to keep up w/ the blog.

This way she never hurt his feelings by blocking him and their relationship didn't have to take a hit.

You might want to think about something similar. Aplologize to her for the freak out and let her have access to the twitter account but open a new one and don't tell her about it. keep that one private so you have to invite people to see it. post occasionally on the old account until you eventually stop using it.

- ChickieLee - 03-24-2014 01:03 PM

The fact that she told you she was doing it and asked you about it when you blocked shows that she wasn't trying to be sneaky or underhanded. Your reaction, your OVERreaction makes it look as if you have something to hide. If my son were going to marry you, I'd be very concerned and try desperately to talk him out of it.
You should go the extra mile to try to have some sort of relationship with her. Unless she's a complete monster, she does deserve some respect. You sound very immature, to be honest. Are you sure you should be getting married?!

P.S. Thumbs-down me all you like. I'm honest, fair and RIGHT. Tongue

- kmjackman - 03-24-2014 01:13 PM

so you have a public page that you are upset she was looking at. But your ok with the millions of masses seeing your every move? Wow, way to get off on the right foot with your mother in law. If you don't want people to know things, then keep it off the internet. She didn't read your diary, she read your blog which YOU posted online to a very popular site.

- Peanut - 03-24-2014 01:22 PM

I can understand how you feel. I don't know how many of y'all are perfectly fine with your mother in law reading everything but sometimes you may wanna say something and not have to think about it. I have to screen everything I say on FB because of my mother in law. I wouldn't be upset if I knew she was on it, but if she calls you up because she is blocked, I would be upset. How does she know she is the only blocked one you could have done it completely for every person except for people you follow. You have a right to your privacy and she should have added you and that would've been different than just watching your Twitter page.

- ;) - 03-24-2014 01:31 PM

I have a mean, hateful, snotty, nosy sil. I have a facebook account. I had my hubby on my friends list, but when his sister started making comments on my page. I took him off, and blocked the ***** from bothering me online. We haven't gotten along in years. I've tried, but she chooses to act like a horses behind. So I ignore her now. Best thing ever invented was the iggy button on computer programs. Your MIL should butt her nose out of your business. If you wanted her to know you would have told her about your twitter account in the first place.

Good luck.

- B2B 8/21/09 - 03-24-2014 01:40 PM

If you don't want your mother in law to see what you are doing, then don't post that information on a PUBLIC website!! You are being ridiculous! I suggest you call and apologize to her about how you acted and try to savor the relationship. You saying that you have not interest in sharing any part of your life with her is disrespectful to her and your fiance! You say your an adult but you are acting like a child. This woman is going to be in your life for ever... its time to start treating her with a little respect. She did nothing wrong.

- Orange2009 - 03-24-2014 01:41 PM

I feel horrible for your poor mother in law.

Let's say she lost in the Daughter in law lottery with you!!!!

- MikesEverything - 03-24-2014 01:45 PM

You have a nasty attitude about her. Guess what, sweetcheeks? She's going to be a part of your life forever. Females like you need a good c0ckslap across the face. Get over yourself. When you act like that, they end up making your life a living hell. So you might as well put your big girl pants on, be CIVIL, and grin and bear it.

Edit: And I can gaurantee that your marriage will not last if you continue to have that disgusting attitude. Men always have good relationships with their mothers and will always stick up for them. You are clearly not ready to be married.