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I am depressed because my boyfriend looks at pornography? - Printable Version

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- Chloe - 03-24-2014 05:25 PM

Oh this is so unnecessary hun! ALL guys do this, and not because they don't find their gf "attractive enough" or "good enough". They just like watching it (why? No idea). The REAL problem here is your low self-esteem, that's what's causing your depression, not the pornography. You could be a Victoria's Secret model and he will STILL look at porn so don't fret, if he's your boyfriend then he obviously loves you more than other girls. Live and let live. Work on yourself, not on him.

- SC - 03-24-2014 05:33 PM

Poor boyfriend... There is no way in the world any other person can give you what you so strongly refuse to give yourself, out of pure self-hate. Because no matter what anyone does, no matter how much of themselves they sacrifice for your greed of forced love, it will all be in vain if you don't stop self-hating. It's like pouring water in a bucket with a hole at the bottom. No matter how much gets filled in, it will quickly be empty again. As long as you don't change your self-image, as long as you'll keep being convinced that there is nothing worth getting loved in your person, as long as you self-hate you'll keep looking for "proves" that everyone who seems to like you must be lying, since you consider it just not possible that anyone could really like you.

Would YOU be able to keep loving a man who constantly doubts your love, just because he hates himself and can't believe it? No matter what you do? And he even hurts himself unnecessarily in order to force your sympathie?? Over years, and decades, and all the love you give him would be in vain? There's really nothing more destructive to a relationship and love as someone without any self-worth, clinging like crazy and trying to suck his life energy out of someone else.

But there's hope. Here's a little exercise, if you have enough imagination:
Imagine you suddenly meet your long lost twin sister, from which you were separated at birth. She grew up in another country, the two of you didn't know of each other, and she's having the same problems as you. She's very unhappy.
Now when you look at your twin sister, do you really toss all your hate on her, kick her and tell her what a loser she is, as you tell yourself all the time??
Or is there any chance you could like her a little bit? If yes, WHAT would you like about her? Could you be friends? What would you tell her to do?

- Katy - 03-24-2014 05:42 PM

Once again I feel for you! But don't obsess, even if it's hard Smile I'm in the same situation most of the time. Tbh I'd rather not know what my boyfriend looks at when he isn't with me, because the thought makes me feel like never having sex with him ever again. He lies to me often, and I am also insecure about my own body.

You don't need to obsess because he's a guy and ALL guys look at porn even if we send them loads of nudes and videos! Just try not to think about it yeah?