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Am I wrong to not want to let my kids have facebook? - Printable Version

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- LadyLuck - 04-08-2014 09:47 PM

We live in an internet world. You cannot just hide your kids from social media and hope they never notice. If you do that, then when they leave home and discover that world, they won't be prepared for it and will fall prey to predators and scams.

It's much more important to teach your kids how to navigate this ever-changing society we live in. Trying to shield them from it helps no one. Give them the skills and tools to know what's wrong and right.

Personally, I think 9 or 10 is too young, but it depends on the kids. It's up to the parents to monitor the activity.

I can guarantee you if you try to completely block your kids from this stuff, you will fail. By the time they are teens, they will be way more technologically savvy than you. They could have a dozen accounts and you'd never know it. Better teach them to be honest and open and smart about it.

- barbieee*girl - 04-08-2014 09:54 PM

Your children will go against everything you say if you tell them they aren't allowed to do something. They would do the opposite. Don't have so many rules...that's where parenting fails in my opinion...if you tell your daughter she can't have a boyfriend, what do you think she's gonna do? Get a boyfriend. If you tell your kids they are never allowed to go outside, when you aren't watching what are they gonna do? Same with the social media..they'll have it behind your back. I had MySpace when I was in 5th grade (2006) and every other social media and I'm fine...I know my boundaries.....I'm not gullible. Idk that's just my opinion.