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Do you think people who self harm or threaten suicide are attention seekers? - Printable Version

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- LUCIFER - 04-28-2014 08:30 PM

Depends. Those that threaten this to stranger but don't actually do it, yes.

Those that threaten this to people they know but don't actually do it, throwing a temper tantrum in order to try and get the things they want.

- rockiebattles411 - 04-28-2014 08:36 PM

Not always. I used to cut myself--for almost 15 years-& it was years after I started that anyone else finally caught on that I was doing it.

: )

- Aislinn - 04-28-2014 08:41 PM

There are people in the world who do it simply for attention. There are others who do it for attention because they genuinely need attention. They are hurting and need someone to take notice.
So yes, it can be a way of seeking attention, but it can also be a cry for help.

- Linden Rose ღ - 04-28-2014 08:48 PM

There have been many times that I wished I was never born and I have tried to commit suicide once because I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore and I didn't want anyone to stop me so I just told my family I was going for a walk. I wasn't doing it to get attention, I really just wanted to die and I was hoping the person who I thought would meet up with me (I told someone to meet me so they could kill me) would either do as I said or try to calm me down and make me want to live. My thoughts were all over the place then. I would never say I was going to commit suicide just for attention.

As for people who cut, I don't really know much about it, but they may have a serious problem.

- Shanna - 04-28-2014 08:54 PM

The people who admit they self harm are, but people actually suffer from depression and do such things, it's embarrassing for them to tell others. So about 90% of the people who are suffering with mental disorders keep it to themselves.

- Purple Haze - 04-28-2014 09:02 PM

The ones who actually do harm themselves aren't, if they are bragging about it, which I am having a hard time believing your story, the people who "brag" about it are in for attention because they think it's some sorta thrill. The reason why people inflict pain on themselves is to distract the emotional pain with physical pain, I think anybody who actually does this would keep it to themselves and they wouldn't want anybody to find out, and obviously if someone brags about attempting suicide then they are in for attention, because there's really no way of messing up, you rather kill yourself or you don't.

- Mariam - 04-28-2014 09:04 PM

I think it depends on the person some i m sure just want attention but in my case I was serious about it. I had some family problems, bullying, no friends, and an awful depresion. I just wasn't sure that life was worth all that in my personal case its a no but I know some peopke that will do anything just to get as much attention as possible

- Noelle Novelty - 04-28-2014 09:14 PM

Well, I can't really group all people who self harm together. There are people I've seen with Facebook, Instagram, and even Pandora profiles that all go along the lines of "I'm emo and I've got the scars to prove it" or "Yes, I cut. Don't try and stop me because nothing you say will." I personally find that ridiculous. However, in some cases it is a serious issue and become an addiction. I believed the exact same thing you did before I went through some troubling times and got hooked on self harm myself. Luckily, I'm a lot more educated on the subject now. From a scientifical standpoint, cutting or harming yourself releases adrenaline and endorphins into the body giving you a temporary feeling of pleasure or high. When you're anxious, depressed, (etc.) it becomes easy to feel internally numb. You ache to feel something. And what better thing to stir up emotions than pain? And ba-da-bing you're hurt for a second, the numb feeling goes away, then you get high. It's very easy to become addicted to this sort of feeling (I was at one time). In most cases like this, it isn't a cry for help. I remember wearing sweaters in 100 degree (F) heat because I didn't want my scars shown. If anyone saw them, I was mortified and flustered and made up some dumb excuse. Luckily, I'm getting better now and perfectly fine with sharing my story to help others understand the issue a bit more.

In conclusion, you can't group all self harm together. There are some dumb ones that are doing it for attention. And there are some endangered ones that are doing it for the sake of being high.

- steepLover705 - 04-28-2014 09:15 PM

No. You can't judge their actions to make a generalization. People who are truly depressed are not doing it for attention. Many people who are depress hide it or just go on with their lives without dealing with it. People who try to commit suicide are serious and obviously not doing it for attention; they are trying to end their lives.
The people you are talking about are just troubled teens trying to find themselves. Most people who cut do it as an anxiety soothing technique. Yes, in a way they are searching for attention, but the bigger picture is usually more deeper.

- Woof Woof - 04-28-2014 09:18 PM

Suicide gets the attention seekers more. Especially in yahoo answers. The individual who self inflicts, has a wholly different schwerve going on. They don't typically seek the light and shine it on their wounds. The girls you speak of who brag about cutting, are on the surface, probably seekers. But just because they post about it doesn't make it reality. Thus you have the corner where seeking is at it's most powerful.