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Does she like me or my friend? 10 POINTS FOR HONEST ANSWER!? - Printable Version

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- angelsfan82 - 11-09-2012 09:12 AM

Bro...Girls are complex (to the human male mind). Usually, girls who ask for guy's hats usually don't actually like them but think that the hats pretty cool. It depends on how she denied liking Chris. If she said it hesitantly she might..if she didnt hesitate she most likely does not.

- Bob - 11-09-2012 09:12 AM

She might be trying to make you jealous, if she does it all the time near you, she wants you to hurry up and ask her out bro... The worst she could do is say no, i mean yall would still be friends...

- Ska - 11-09-2012 09:12 AM

She likes you and you're too much of a dope, worried about getting embarrassed, to see what's right in front of your face. At the corn maze she was waiting to see if you'd step up and flirt or do something, ANYTHING, and you didn't -- instead you hung back, sulking and feeling excluded, instead of jumping in and making yourself part of the group (she wasn't grabbing your friend's hat because she likes him -- she wanted to see if you were going to react, and you didn't, which was a disappointment to her). You've chatted on FB and in real life, she's asked family about you, she asked if you were coming next week, her friend practically came out and said she likes you, and now you need to man up and do something IMMEDIATELY, because this poor girl has practically given you every signal she can without looking skanky -- do you seriously need a written invitation or what? Skywriting? A singing telegram?