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WTF IS MY DAD DOING???!? - Printable Version

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- Shepsies - 11-09-2012 01:19 PM

Maybe just leave it for just now. You should maybe confront him if it gets out of hand, and if your mum suspects something is up and confront him and he starts to gang up on her make sure you step in and side with your mum, and tell him what you have seen. He can't really blame you for looking at his messages when he obviously didn't have a password or security settings on either appliance and hasn't kept his phone in his pocket so as to keep it private. It doesn't sound like your mum would deal well with a confrontation right now, so best to leave it unless it gets out of hand x

- Major Bunkum - 11-09-2012 01:19 PM

This dirty dog of a father of yours is undoubtedly playing away my dear. He is clearly not being loyal to your mother and has inappropriate interest in another woman. This is clear. The question therefore is what you would like to do about this? What exactly are your options? Clearly you do not wish to make your mother ill by blowing this up and destabilizing the situation further, I see that. But I see you just want him to stop right? The only way this will likely happen is if he suddenly values what he has and decides to lose what hes hiding. One way to achieve this would be to type a letter up in an anonymous fashion as if it came from a member of his clergy stating that " I know what you are doing, I know the hypocrisy you are engaged in, Iv been watching you. End what you are doing immediately or else I will expose you to the entire clergy." With any luck he'll panic and fall in line. Of course the other option is to do nothing and hope your mother doesn't become upset by the situation. This is of course pretty difficult for you and there is no easy way forward. Hes not being the best friend he could be to your mum and maybe their relationship is doomed. Who knows what the future holds. To be honest though I wish you could speak to your father about it. It doesnt have to be a big confrontation. It could be a gentle " Dad.... do you love mum?" and go calmly into the chat with him untill finaly you say " Dad .... are you in love with another woman?" but calmly. no anger. Just communication on a warm level. I feel for you. Good luck.

- bopdaddy - 11-09-2012 01:19 PM

I will ask what are you doing and why do you feel it is ok to snoop on dad phone
all you will accomplish is causing a big fight