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Is it ok to save picutres of your ex girlfriend? - Printable Version

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- Bertie Mcleaf - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

Monica, Monica, have a happy hannukkah ♪

- Lucas - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

If you date someone long enough, they start to be one of your best friends. Its understandable that even though he's not dating her, he'd still want to save those memories.

- Garry - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

Whoa little less insecurity here! He kept them because they were a happy MEMORY as in his past as in GONE as in PAST as in NO MORE!!! etc etc. Do you have pictures from your past, things you did with friends etc well there is no difference here at all IT IS IN THE PAST! Give him new memories and good ones and those pictures will suddenly vanish!

- Vasu Agarwal - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

i think there is not a problem in saving pics if not use them unnecessary
i think u should not have problem in that

- Milton - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

People like to save memories even if they are past the event or the person in the picture. It doesn't necessarily mean that he has any present feelings for her but he did at the time.

I have a yearbook from HS that has pictures in it of several girls i went with during that four years of my life. Should I cut out their pictures just because I married someone else? One of the girls went on to become a minor film star. Should I not go to movies in which she has small parts?

It has to be judged in the context of how does he relate to the past. If he has a shrine to her and lights candles over her pictures, you don't have a boyfriend, you have a maniac. If he simply keeps memories of the past, he is normal and it doesn't mean he will leave you for her or even cares about her.

Judge him by how he acts. Is he kind and considerate of your needs? Does he flirt with other girls? Is he there for you when you need him? Does he give you any reason to distrust him in any behavior like secret phone calls or things other say about what they see when you aren't there? If the answer to all of these is positive, you have nothing to worry about. If it is negative, it has
nothing to do with her,he just is untrustworthy!

Best of luck. Judge him by what he DOES, not by what pictures from his past he saved.

- Stefanie Depefanie - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

My brother saved nudes of his ex and even used them as background on the computerscreen for his new girlfriends user account.
In turn, she broke one of his porn CD's.
I KNOW he was over his ex, he just thought she was hot. Didn't mean anything to him, he was just being insensitive. And I guess being over someone doesn't have to mean that you don't savor the good memories anymore?
I personally never kept pics of an ex, though... I threw 'em out once I was over them. But everyone is different.

- Romeo Lima - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

i still have some pictures of all of my exes that i truly loved i guess i keep them as a reminder and memorie.its not that he is isn't over her its just sometimes hard to completely erase someone from your life that you loved.