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If I have an abortion am I just the mother of a dead baby and still pregnant? - Printable Version

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- minimouse68 - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Wow, that is so totally illogical......quite mind boggling really. Abortion or miscarriage most certainly does make you "unpregnant" (great use of the english language that!). In my honest opinion (and Ive had 5 miscarriages including a son delivered at 21 weeks) in order for a baby to be counted as alive it needs to be able to viably survive outside of the uterus. No child born prior to around 22-23 weeks can survive, no matter what way they have arrived.

- MisterCoolGuy - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

your not the mother of a dead baby thats just religious douche bags trying to guilt you into seeing things their way. wich is sad. my ex had a miscarriage early, like 2-3 months in but im not over here telling her shes the mother of a dead baby, thats just wrong. yea it hurt but i had a 2yr old child that i lost and trust me that hurts way more...

dont let the super cool facebook group get to you...

- jahspromise - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Don't be a murderer.

You had unprotected sex. It's not the babies fault it's in there. It's YOURS!!!!

- Paige - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

i hate abortion! selfish in my opinion

- Merryheart773 - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Obviously jahspromise has never heard of condoms breaking or rape.

We all know if it is on the internet, it is true, so obviously it is true that you are still pregnant.