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How do you move on from a bad breakup? - Printable Version

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- Cam - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

Same problem! Okay.. I am still not over him after 6 months but what has helped me is RUNNING Smile
I joined a cross country team! It makes everything so much easier. It makes you stronger and free. You can also make new friends and it takes up more of your time which truly dont need. If running doesnt sound appealing.. try something uve never done before like sining or dance.. Or if you have try a harder level of it! Get into it.. It helps greatly (:
Good luck

- coolRyder - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

go to your mom from all your love and support(:
hang out with close friends and they'll be there for you(:
instead of watching drama movies, watch comedies(:
i know its hard, but you gotta be brave and confident, thats what a woman usually needs to be(:
maybe after a while when the guy still doesnt want to be friends he might come back to you and ask you to be friends again cause he felt bad(:..its possible!.men have good hearts...
play and really eases your mind and pain.

- Pamela P - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

its not going to be easy but i think if he doesnt even want to be friends after 4 years then your better off without him anyways... just look forward, hang out with some friends that can keep your mind off things. the worst thing you could do is go right into another relationship, you will most likely end up dating another POS if you do.

Good Luck

- Ellie - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

Time heals all. Unfortunately it can take a lot of time before you start feeling better. You never can completely move on from a 4 year relationship, or from any relationship that was significant to you. But you can start to feel better, gradually, and in degrees, over time.

For me, it has taken months to get over a really BAD breakup. I tried everything. I took a vacation for two weeks (thought about him the whole time). I tried writing my thoughts out. I cried to my friends and my mother. I partied (which made me feel a lot worse, actually). But then after 9 months I met my current boyfriend. Just remember... you can find love again, and you will move on and be happy.

What worked possibly the best for me was: 1. reading stuff that kept my mind off how hurt I was. Personally, I love gossip magazines and girly drugstore novels. Even if it's trash, it worked as a distraction. 2. cutting off all communication with the guy. No facebook, myspace, chat, etc. I know it's tough but it's the only way.

I hope this helps on some level

- Teddy T - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

Well first off, you have friends you can talk to, go out with, etc. They can help you to get him off your mind. You also have family, you can do the same with them. This might hurt but think he might have moved on, and is happy. So you should realize it, use it to move on. There are alot of ways to move on from a bad break up. You have your own life dont you, you have to get on with it. Think about him not being worthy of you and your time. Think your better off with out him. Whatever you do, try to move on.

- M.A - 11-09-2012 05:34 PM

You just live with the pain, and with the loss.Nothing said or done can make it easier even if you get yourself a new bf.The good news is time heals almost everything.