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Is is OK for my wife to talk to her ex boyfriend from 20 years ago on the phone once a week.? - Printable Version

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- Erik - 11-09-2012 06:45 PM

Since it's bothering you, then it's not ok. The time she's giving her attention to him, is time and attention she's denying you. I wonder if she thinks it'd be ok if you talked to one of your ex-girlfriends once a week. Tell your wife how you feel about it.

- no1advice - 11-09-2012 06:45 PM

Is it OK? I don't know I'm not married to her you are.

You decide.

- BabeHart - 11-09-2012 06:45 PM

It doesn't bother me at all that she does that...but then I don't know her...YOU decide what behavior you will and will not accept in your partner...either you think it's "OK" or you do not...

If everyone here says it's 'bad' would you try to get her to stop??? If everyone here said it was fine, would you forget the issue completely??? You're living with decide it if's an issue or not...