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How do I get over the "awkwardness" of coming out to people? - Printable Version

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- I ♥ NJ - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

One at a time.

- pineseedling - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

To fight the nervousness and awkwardness, I just repeat to myself to "act like it's completely normal," as thta is what straight people do. If you project that everything is normal and OK and being gay isn't a big deal, others will take the signal from you and not mae a big fuss. So I casually come out, usually by mentioning my partner to somebody, and then move on to other topics.

If you've come out online (not face to face), this is a little harder, but I'd still just act perfectly normal to them next time you see them, even if you're freaking inside!

When they ask, you can answer very basic questions, but if they go from legit curiousity to treating you like a freak, my family's line is: "tell me more about what you and your wife do in bed and I'll tell you what we do." You'll get a blank stare and a mumbled apology for their intrusiveness. Being gay doesn't mean your sex life is an open book.

- relievedborder145 - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

It gets easier as it goes along. the surprise will be the reaction you expect will not always be as bad as You expect. Some friends will amaze you with their acceptance..

- Karl T. - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

If you crossdress also,just get dressed up sexy like and invite all your friends over and let it be known in person....