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What should I do- I broke my lenten promise? - Printable Version

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- loudyear672 - 11-09-2012 08:55 PM

You need to learn a lesson on perspective from this. You made a promise to God, whom you are to love above anything and anyone else, that you would give up Facebook, a rather trivial way of passing some time, and broke that promise twice. You've basically said that facebook was more important than your promise. You demonstrated where your priorities lie. Now think about it a little and what you can do to fix that.

I think you need to read the Bible. Pick up a King James bible or the Amplified bible and start at genesis, read until the very last word of Revelation (at your leisure of course). Why do I recommend this? Because I think you're missing a very important point of the Gospel. Did you make this promise because you felt you were obligated, were supposed to, etc? Regular Church practice that you do every year? Or did you do it because you wanted to, you felt you needed to? There's a difference between "I have to" (old law) and "I want to" (gospel) and I think you need to brush up on the Bible to make sure you understand this before you go into this sort of thing again.

By the way, Lent is not biblical. The practice didn't start until a few centuries later. As a man-made doctrine and ceremony it is not necessary in any way, shape, or form for your salvation. The only part of the entire "Lent" time that is biblical is repentence and ashes.

- choko_canyon - 11-09-2012 08:55 PM

Here's some basic logic that should make you feel better:

If god is all-knowing, he already knew you were going to break your promise twice so you couldn't possibly have let him down or disappointed him. Also, if god knows your heart then he already knows you're sorry and so you don't have to apologize.

Now if you can see any flaw in that chain of logic, let me know.