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How to stay occupied during the day? - Printable Version

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- JL - 11-09-2012 08:58 PM

Read a book. Adventure books are nice. Get a dog and take him for walks if you need an activity. Start a garden. I know it's winter now, but it's a great time to plant bulbs. Take up birdwatching. Get a tree ID book and see what's growing in your area. Start doing crafts. If you can work a vidoe game, you can run a sewing machine.

- Yorrik - 11-09-2012 08:58 PM

Get off the PC/slaptop - switch off the telly.

What you need is companionship with other boys your own age. The easy way to achieve this is to grab a cheap plastic football and have a go with it at first on your own in your back yard or somewhere peaceful. Kick it about a bit and learn how to control it.

Once you've learnt ball control, the rest is dead easy. You then need to join with like minded boys and actually play football. Must be junior clubs near where you live.

This via Google link should help you find a junior football club near where you live.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=6c8ce8692e604857&biw=1600&bih=791

and remember, if you decide to support a football club, you are stuck with it for life.

Someone once said, "football is the most important thing in the world." To which someone else replied, "It's more important than that."

and you'll be on top of the world.

- Louise C - 11-09-2012 08:58 PM

Well, I would have thought school, homework etc would keep you busy at least some of the time.

But it would be nice if you had some interests other than playing games on the computer. What about reading? Or taking up some kind of hobby like painting, pottery, sewing, knitting etc? What about sports? Swimming, cycling, tennis?

What about helping out around the house a bit? Even if she never asks you, your mother could probably do with a bit of help with the housework. And maybe you could ask her to show you how to cook? You could learn to make some things to eat, that is a fun thing to do and will be useful to you in later life, when you have to look after yourself.