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Why do teens post about drinking on facebook when their mother can read it? - Printable Version

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- Leigh - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

i dont post things about drinking on facebook, but if i did, i really wouldnt have to worry because my mom doesnt use facebook, so she would never see it. very very few of my friends moms have facebooks and even fewer monitor their content.

- Carrie - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

It's not just teens. People in general seem to forget that social networking sites are NOT PRIVATE.

I had a co-worker post about how much she hated a fellow co-worker knowing that several people from the office (including her supervisor) were her FB friends. Another co-worker was posting record high scores on Farmville during the work day.

It's become a big issue in divorce cases because people say and do the dumbest crap on FB as though they're the only ones in the universe who know about it.

People are stoopid.

- alicialions - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Because the ones that post those things and do those things do not have parents that are in control, they have not been involved, they have let their kids rule the roost...their kids are out doing whatever they want, whenever they want. Parents who would actually give a darn and be involved, do anything about it aren't the ones whose kids are doing those things or posting about it.

- fadz_fizzy - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Teens have the tendency to do risky things to define their independence and identity. They are at the age where they are about to leave their highly dependent selves during childhood and enter adulthood. Doing these "risky" stuff is their way of saying, "Look world. See what I've done! I've survived this event. And this is who I am." It's like a modern form of rites of passage. But it's a common discourse for the mainstream to see them as immature as they did these "risky" stuff and the media tend to glorify the extreme ones.

In order to define their identity, they need the attention. They need people to notice them and acknowledge them. It doesn't have approving acknowledgement. They sometimes need someone someone to say,"Look, this whole gig is not you. Find something else that is you." Of course, it had to be someone from their peer groups. The problem is that if there's no one notice them, their attention-grabbing actitives are going to get worser and probably "riskier"

For parents, I suggest you just keep a close eye on your teens. Posting photos of them drinking it's just an indirect way of them saying, "I'm growing up. Give me some space." As long as they are around a good bunch of supporting people, it's alright. Just don't intervene too much. They'll do anything to diffrentiate themselves and their parents.

- PS3 Slim - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Some teens are stupid.