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How do i tell my family im dating my ex? - Printable Version

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- BRi - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

I think you just need to tell her, and the sooner the better. The longer you wait, I think she will be more upset/disappointed that she didn't know and that you didn't tell her. It's too bad that she doesn't like him, but if he really is a good guy (you can be the judge of that), she will hopefully come around and see that YOU are happy. YOU are the most important person to think about when it comes to decisions like this; as long as he isn't disrespecting/mistreating you, your mom doesn't have to like him because she isn't dating him. I think you just need to tell her, and hopefully she will realize that you are happy with this guy.

- Nerissa Ricks - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Don't say it too soon, just send feelers to mom that your ex wants to be back with you,let us see her reaction, if she dislike it then that would be the point to tell her the truth. I've met a guy in after I got a very turmoil break up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was really devastated and my mom said I need to take a rest, now I am afraid she won't affirm of my present relationship since I know I always get down during break up but so far everything seems colorful to me.