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My father posted my photos on Facebook without my permission. Am I overreacting? - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Fanosparrow - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

no way!
just cause he is ur father doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants.... he has to respect ur wishes. i would be upset 2. just continue to tell him that u don't like it and that u would really appreciated it if he respected u and took them off. hopefully if u constantly keep bringing it up he will realize that u are really uncomfortable with it and take them off.
hope this helps!
good luck Smile

- Benjamin - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

From the part of the world I live in, it is suable if one posts another person's videos/pictures on the Net without the 'another person's' permission. So if it's possible, you might threaten to sue him. I know his your father, but if he ignores your request, I suggest you sue him (if it's possible in where you live).

- Sharon - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

You are not over-reacting at all;he should respect you and your wishes,a person can't always know who their friends are showing your pictures too;this could put you in danger of being stalked or many other weird things;you should tell him(he should give you the same respect)you give him;let him know you feel unsafe and exposed by his actions,if he still refuses to understand how much this upsets you and violates your privacy,you may have to tell your Mom,if she doesn't know he's doing that, hopefully she can convince him to delete them because of the potential harm they could cause you but to at least respect how you feel about it;everyone has a right to their privacy;maybe he hasn't thought about the repercussions from doing that and who all is seeing your pictures;after you tell him that maybe he will realize his mistake and apologize to you and delete them.