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Oh my gosh im gonna cry please help!? - Printable Version

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- Tenaya - 11-19-2012 02:13 AM

wow, your friend is a jerk. don't talk to her now. tell one of ur parents, fast!

- Arianna - 11-19-2012 02:13 AM

REPORT HER!! That is violating the terms of Yahoo and she should be kicked out immediately. And don't worry if it does get out of hand chang your number and send in email (EXCEPT HER) about your new number. Back when my boyfriend thought i was cheating so he sent out on his twitter saying "call this number if you want a free blow job." I was furious and hated him for it but i only gotten like two inappropriate calls and his ass gotten in so much trouble. And i dont feel sorry for him it was a cruel prank. No matter what you did to her she had no right to abuse your private number and expose it online. She is not a true friend, only a true bully. But if you love her enough tell her to take it down immediately, or don't associate with her anymore (ps not everyone is an ass on yahoo, she will defiantly get some negative feed back if she put a number online.) Don't cry it happens more often then you think just gotta rise above the childish prank and get new friends.

- M. A. - 11-19-2012 02:13 AM

Piss/Annoy Her By Saying ... "I Don't Need My Yahoo Acount .. You Can Have It! .. And I Got Bored From My Number I Think I'll Change It You Could Have This too!! " That What I would Do If i were u but remember Don't Fight Fire With Fire ...

- Hank - 11-19-2012 02:13 AM

Call your friend up and tell her how you feel