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What do you picture when someone says they are CONSERVATIVE? - Printable Version

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- theantilib - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Someone who values life. Knows smaller government = more freedom. A Christian. Most of hard working rural America.

- Sassy - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

When Stephen Colbert was signing up to be a candidate for the presidential race, he pulled out pens that "symbolized" each party. For the Democrats, he had a pink, sissy looking pen.

For the Republicans, he first had a pen that had a vampire on top, symbolizing Rudy Giuliani, and then he had a pen that was "big and white".

So I can only imagine Republicans as big, white vampires now.

Edit: And since I'm a girl, I think I can tolerate a pink pen.

- Arby - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

You know, I told a stranger once that I lived in the American South. Her reaction was a rather aghast "how awful for you" and then a noticeable step AWAY from me. When I asked her about her reaction, she sheepishly admitted that is was her prejudices speaking.

There are all kinds of conservatives. I am a fiscal conservative. I think people should live within their means, and generally consume far less than they actually do. I think conspicuous consumption is a curse that we have passed on to too many generations of Americans, and we have begun in earnest to export the stupidity to the third world.

When I picture a fiscal conservative, I look at myself.

By the way, if you saw me in a swim suit, you'd drop YOUR dentures. But that may be from my libertarian streak or my social liberalism.

Go figure.

- Richard G - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

old pussface

- The EX-DEM V1.5 - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM


- Huh? - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Old (holding on tradditional values and resistant of change) , formally dressed in gold and diamonds (from extra income), and in good health (from being able to afford health care).

- chrakey - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Ohmygosh...sounds just like my father-in-law. And there's even Fox News playing 24/7. He's in dire need of an Ex-Lax.
No one really pays attention to his rantings anymore