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Black people did the racist backlash from Obama re election? - Printable Version

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- Mind2Mind - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

White people in America are hypocrites. They know Obama is half white but they will call him a N-word in second. Why? I guess, it doesn't matter if he is half white he is still a N-word in their eyes. We have to question whites about their racial and social views in America. What are whites doing to cause a large group of biracial Americans (black/white) to identify as Black? You can't blame this on black folks.

- da shadow - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

No, not surprised one bit. I just knew something would happen. It just shows how worthless and arbitrary the idea of race is. Out of one side of peoples mouth comes, "he's half white, why doesn't he recognize his white half", and now they say, "he's a ###### completely ignoring his white half". Maybe the popularity factor should be included in the fallacy of the construct called race.

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