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Should i be mad that my girlfriend wont give me her Facebook password? - Printable Version

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- Simply RED - 12-07-2012 07:31 AM

Sounds like you have trust issues. Tell her you'll get another GF if she doesn't give you her password. She would probably be more than glad to get rid of you on your initiative.

- unknown - 12-07-2012 07:31 AM

Why don't you just install keyloggers and tracking software in her PC? While you're at it, install a GPS tracking device in her car! And make sure you install security cameras in the house so you can monitor her every second she is there!

- Kaaydee - 12-07-2012 07:31 AM

Its a really difficult topic.. Its different for every couple. for instance me and my boyfriend give eachother our facebook passwords, we know many couple who do and do not. its not like I go on his account all the time and check his inbox etc. I honestly havnt done it for about a year and that is because I trust him, if he is willing to give me his password then he has nothing to hide. I am not saying that your girlfriend has something to hide however it does seem that way considering you gave yours and she wont give you hers. I suggest talking to her and telling her how it makes you feel and that you really wanted to make sure she isn't talking with other guys. If she doesnt allow you to check it after you have very calmly explained this than im almost positive she has something to hide. You need to make sure you know eachothers "rules" in a relationship, it sounds silly but people break up all the time due to their poor communications skills. Make sure she is aware that you do not want her talking or flirting with other guys, but you cannot enforce this rule unless your willing to commit to it to, relationships have to work together! I wish the best for you and your girlfriend and I hope I helped !

- Nyan Cat - 12-07-2012 07:31 AM

You need to have more trust on her. "Make sure she isn't talking with other guys"? You don't let your girlfriend talk to her male friends? If she is your girlfriend that means she wants and like to be with you, there is no reason to be jealous.

You guys are in a relationship, but it doesn't mean you need to share everything, both of you need their own privacy. You don't need to give facebook passwords to each other, you guys need to have trust.

Change your password, it's your privacy. She is right in not giving hers, I know sounds mean, but I sincerely don't think she isn't doing it because she is hiding something from you, she just want to have privacy, is her right.

- Adeel - 12-07-2012 07:31 AM

you should have maximum trust on your girl friends. getting password of her facebook is not a big deal and not a decision making point weather leave her or not.