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Will Facebook be the downfall of my generation? - Printable Version

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- widerobin594 - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

No, Twitter will.

- GRIFFIN1500 - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM


DUDE TOTAL AGREE! Facebook & MYSPACE PROMOTE A sense of conformity amoungst us! R we going 2 become narrcistic assholes w/ no def of right/wrong! I mean seriosusly who the fuk cares bout u cleanin ur room & goin 2 work! GD i tnk i love u! Write an article & publish it!

- skinnycalendar981 - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

Wow! I totally agree with you. A famous blogger over here in Sweden wrote about F-book yesterday. I couldn't agree more. I don't have facebook.
But I have seen so many profiles. And what is more embarrassing when you write something and doesn't get a response?
F-book also change their privacy 2 much. I know a lot of profile that were private until they changed it weeks ago.

I think F-book will soon become what Myspace is now.
Maybe ppl will join twitter or something. Twitter is all about your status and that will suit facebookers better.

I'm sure I'll not get f-book in the future. Anyway. Here is a star for you : )
P.S I'm 17 if you wonder..

- Laura - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

yeah... but just like you other people are connecting with friends as well. and its just one of those things people have to face with. when television people probably thought the same, same with texting , i mean it has worsened the communication face to face but it also keeps people in touch who never can. there's always positive and negative things to something, you just have to be positive.

- toirties - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

Facebook was originally created for COLLEGE students. Imagine meeting a large number of great people that you may not see again after a semester. After four years of being friends you end up in different places doing different things and an easy way to stay in touch is Facebook. You won't love it until you you get there. Facebook was not made for sixteen year olds who will be able to see their same friends at school tomorrow.

- Tom - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

hahah you think too much Tongue yea facebook probably makes people anti social and stuff and its a pretty stupid website when you really think about it but no ones forced to use it and most people still have a life other that fb people will eventually get sick of it and move onto something different like the great myspace to facebook conversion hahhaha

- Gabi ng Lagim - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

There's a possible addictive quality to facebook as well not unlike video games. I'm for making real friends, not solely cyber ones. Even though you might have a lot of friends on facebook, how well do you know them? I also think that facebook doesn't develop much needed social skills. These are my opinions.

- Rebecca - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

I actually just recently set it up so if someone talks to me I'll get an email notification but otherwise I don't even use it anymore. I feel the same way you do; our generation are relying too much on relationships over the computer. I would rather be out hanging out and talking to people in person. The main reason I don't use it anymore is because I was always getting a migraine from people getting into arguments on it.

I figure if people want to talk to me they can call me. My phone number and email is on my facebook page so they have multiply ways to get in touch. The only reason I didn't delete it is because I'm in college and when I was working in a group with some people I didn't know all that well they found me on facebook to ask me some questions.

I really don't even use my computer much anymore (it's just really late right now and I'm bored at home) because it's such a waste of time. I've found I've been a lot happier since I've stopped using facebook/the internet.

I encourage you to get off of it. It'll be hard, you'll probably end up going back on a little bit, but just don't post anything. Go out and have fun in real life. : )

- Tim - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

i wouldnt consider myself to be a facebook addict but i do check it on a regular basis. i think it is a really good way to connect with friends and learn more about them, but it can become a problem. some of my friends are on 24/7 and will reply to a comment i post on their wall or picture right away. i find it really annoying when people update their statuses saying exactly what they're doing at the point in time, like the ones that have 10 status updates a minute. i guess its all about self control and self image. we tend to think too much about what other people think of us so we constantly check back to see if our friends commented on our posts. other than that, facebook can be very useful and fun.

- keepsitcrackin - 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

That's a very good question, and I sometimes wonder the same thing. But, like you said, it's good for keeping in touch with people you hardly see. That's what I try to use it for, so it actually serves a good purpose. Also for when I have quick homework questions. Maybe you'll find more purposes later, but for now maybe you could just use it for that, and make a point to grow in your relationships outside of facebook. I don't know what to say about the rest of us, but maybe you could encourage your friends to do the same thing. Hopefully the rest (or a good chunk) of facebook picks up on the risks and benefits, and thinks about how they live out their relationships. Good for you for being conscious of it. Smile I have to take intentional breaks from it time to time too.