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As a conservative what do you have to say about the Westboro Baptist People? - Printable Version

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- Paul - 01-16-2013 10:30 AM

Well as Phelps stated before that he thinks Obama is the Antichrist, its not so surprising which side of the political spectrum they stand on.

- General McConnel - 01-16-2013 10:37 AM

There is no decency or respect these days.

Why would anyone go fight for this country?

Send the rich kids.

- ge524enoch - 01-16-2013 10:44 AM

Polling of this predominately black church shows that 98% voted for Obama so it is two faced people with a two faced prez and a two faced question.

- Yvella - 01-16-2013 10:46 AM

So you really think these people represent conservatives. If these people represent conservatives in your mind, then you must agree that Stalin is the hero of liberals. That's the type of leap your making. As a conservative and a Kansan, I can tell you, these people are loathed. Conservative groups like the Freedom Riders ride out to funerals to counter protest these nuts.

They started with HIV victims. Then zeroed in on children with AIDS to get media attention. Then they focused on US Soldiers funerals. They use the media by being extreme like that and exploit it. What would be best would be to ignore them and do a media blackout on them. But the media knows it will draw readers, so they cover them, just like they got you and me to read it.

These people are not conservatives, they are just idiots.

- Jenny Manyteeth - 01-16-2013 10:47 AM

They aren't conservatives. They're nuts.

The only thing that keeps them going is their First Amendment right to exercise their religious beliefs.

Interesting that lefties have hysterics when someone wants to post the Ten Commandments in a public place, or set up a creche, but they don't have a problem when the Phelpses carry signs condemning the USA because we tolerate homosexuals among us. Very peculiar.

- username - 01-16-2013 10:49 AM

what do you expect it's fred phelps.

- zachary G - 01-16-2013 10:53 AM

They are sad human beings. Saying that, I do not wish to restrict their freedom to do what they do. They just as much right to protest as gay people do celebrating their sex lives in public. The difference here is one borderlines indecent exposure.

- Martin - 01-16-2013 11:02 AM

i think they only want publicity so they can grow the church, theyre ideologies are creapy and rude but since fox news loves to keep its auditers frustrated about religions, they are perfect pawns.