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Believe in god or go to hell? - Printable Version

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- no1home2day - 01-17-2013 07:43 AM

This question has been asked TOO many times, and it's boring! It exposes you as a hypocrite since you reject the answer, yet continue asking. It also shows that you're insane. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (or asking the same question over and over again), and expecting different results.

But, ONE MORE TIME ("Second verse, same as the first!")

You go to hell for the same reason a criminal goes to prison - if you are guilty.

You can tell you are guilty or not by asking yourself if you have ever done anything that has violated your own conscience, or made you feel guilty or ashamed of yourself after.

Believing in Jesus gets you a "GET OUT OF HELL FREE" card. God is offering to grant you - with a one-lifetime offer - an undeserved and unmerited pardon for the sins you've committed.

Take it or leave it,but only blame yourself if you reject it!

As to people who have never heard of Christianity, just remember: you're either part of the solution (that is to say, you have repented of your sins and you're doing your part to reach those who have never heard), or you're part of the problem!

Also, remember that it is totally and absolutely hypocritical to whine and complain (or even ask) about a problem, when you're part of the cause!

So, will you play the hypocrite by rejecting God? By not becoming a Christian, you're condemning thousands (or even millions) of others to hell because you refuse to go warn them! It's as bad as, if not worse than, a fire-fighter rescue working sitting outside a burning building playing his Nintendo, while people inside are screaming for help! And you fit the bill! No wonder there is a hell for people like you! Turn and repent while you can, God doesn't want ANY body in hell, but you're pushing Him away as He is trying to rescue you! (What kind of fool would push away a rescuer like that?)

But in any case, when you stand before God, and you have no excuse for your sins or for your rejection of His offer to set you free from your sins and their eternal consequences, you have no one to blame but yourself, and you'll see clearly exactly why hell exists, and people in hell will know why they are there, and they will have no arguments against a just and fair and righteous God who judges all people equally.

- Napoly Kortez - 01-17-2013 07:43 AM

Anyone who has not received the Da`wah (Invitation to Islaam) in the life of this world and died ignorant of the truth will be tested on the Day of Resurrection, according to the most correct opinion maintained by scholars. If they succeed (by accepting the truth), they will be admitted into Paradise. But if they oppose the truth, they will be cast into Hellfire.

This applies to all people categorized as Ahl-ul-Fatrah who have not received Da`wah.

The proof of this is in the following verse:

17:15 ...And never would We punish until We sent a messenger..

- G C - 01-17-2013 07:43 AM

The character of God is truth. All actions are based on your belief. With the belief that what God says is true, then all your actions are true and your character, then, is godly.

Follow lies, which are from Satan, and reject God produces the character of Satan which is evil.

On the Day of Judgment, God will separate good character from evil. Those who are like God in character will be in heaven with God and those who are like Satan in character will be with Satan in hell. This will be forevermore.

- geessewereabove - 01-17-2013 07:43 AM

There us a place that says IF a person never heard any thing of God, they may be given a new life, also babies that died too young. I do not remember the place.
Can you get the DVD (or maybe find on the Internet free) "Amazing Mysteries, Ancient Prophets". It is about how major prophets got the same measge from God about the same time. Including in China.