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My question is why ALLAH didn't sent prophet for 20th century? - Printable Version

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- use common sense - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

If God existed, he/it would make its presence felt in a very obvious way, for all the world, leaving no room for doubt. Instead we are told to believe that God sent a vile creature like Mohammad (rapist, pedo, polygamist, killer), to spread his message in 7th century Arabia. LMAO.

- godless - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

You don't need so called prophets. If he existed, we would know it.

- M - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

Dear Asker, Allah send prophets on periods of time when there are no pure religion or holly books still there due to deformation caused by bad people so to return people to the right path Allah will send another prophet just to keep people on right track to reach perfectness and that is due to Allah mercy to all humanity since he sent many prophets starting from Adam till Mohamed the last prophet whom with him the Quran was sent guiding humanity till day of judgment and since Quran is still being among us with no change so there is no need for another prophet or holly book as Quran is the most completed and perfect Book since Allah sent prophets one after another in such a way that they raise humanity awareness , perfectness and maturity level to understand their role in life by understanding Quran directions and as Quran is continues till end of life, Allah send successors and scholars after Mohamed to continue guiding humanity till end of life also Quran did not need us to relay on someone else to solve our problems we must read, think, ask and resolve problems with Allah guiding where life is an examination we need to pass since there are many helping means we can use. Thank you.

- Ruchjat K - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

Salam Allah did not send prophet for 20thy century because Allah says in the Qur'an that Muhammad pbuh was the last prophet and the Qur'an is the last and perfect life guide and Islam is the only blessed religion until qiyyamah as the end of this world The Qur'an as life guide for all humans is always in line with the development of any era including with various new technologies

- Fool - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

"busy life"
Satan will keep you busy to keep you away from God !

- Smiley - 01-18-2013 09:27 PM

um you do reliase this is not the 20th centry its the 21st
