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PLEASE HELP ME, I BEG YOU? - Printable Version

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- Naguru - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

On all these matters please act as per the dictates of your own conscience. Pl. take some drastic steps. to come out the critical situation. Pray. It does lot off wonders in life like a miracle.

If it feels wrong, you don't do it. Say exactly what you mean. Don't beat round the bush without targeting the main issue. Don't be please people. Trust your instincts. Never speak badly about your own self and your country. Inferiority complex is bad. Never give up on your dreams. Don't be afraid to say No. At the same time don't feel shy to say yes. Be kind to your own Self. Let go off what you cannot control. Stay away from dramas; and negativity as much as possible.

- Julie - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

hey you know what?? u have got just one life. u should try to enjoy it to the fullest. now listen to me carefully-
first of all, i bet you will get a job in some or the other company if you try a little harder. try to impress the company people with ur technical skills. make a little better impression of urself and it will work. trust me. u will get a job. even if the job is not of a very high salary, dont worry about that . atleast you will have a job and being happy is what matters. just dont go after huge money.
secondly- you can try to give bank exam . you will SURELY clear it. then you can become bank manager or officer. it is not stressful also and also there is good money in it. so, if everything fails go for the bank exam.
now- please dont kill yourself. join some gym or other club to play some games. or go for a walk every evening. but please be a positive person and try to see the positive side of life. never think negative. BE POSITIVE AND THINK POSITIVE. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL AND NOBODY HAS A PERFECT LIFE. OK??? PLEASE YOU ARE UNIQUE PERSON AND NOBODY CAN BE YOU. RESPECT YOURSELF....LOVE YOURSELF ..AND DO ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU TRULY ENJOY FOR ATLEAST AN HOUR A DAY. GOOD LUCK!!

- Ajay D - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

If you really know even one computer language, register on for free and earn in contracts double the salary others are getting.

- visnarayan - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

You psychiatrist is best to rely on.

- Nidhi - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

We are a leading Lean Six Sigma Training Organization. You can attend any of our programs. For the detailed calendar please visit the link:

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- Ashok - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

Sorry for you and your parents.
Depression self-help tip 1: Cultivate supportive relationships
Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. But the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even worse, so maintaining your close relationships and social activities are important.

Depression puts a negative spin on everything, including the way you see yourself, the situations you encounter, and your expectations for the future.
Depression self-help tip 3: Take care of yourself
In order to overcome depression, you have to take care of yourself. This includes following a healthy lifestyle, learning to manage stress, setting limits on what you’re able to do, adopting healthy habits, and scheduling fun activities into your day.
Depression self-help tip 4: Get regular exercise
When you’re depressed, exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing. But exercise is a powerful tool for dealing with depression. In fact, studies show that regular exercise can be as effective as antidepressant medication at increasing energy levels and decreasing feelings of fatigue.
Depression self-help tip 5: Eat a healthy, mood-boosting diet
What you eat has a direct impact on the way you feel. Aim for a balanced diet of protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
Depression self-help tip 6: Know when to get additional help
If you find your depression getting worse and worse, seek professional help. Needing additional help doesn’t mean you’re weak. Sometimes the negative thinking in depression can make you feel like you’re a lost cause, but depression can be treated and you can feel better!
Often when we loose all hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says ‘relax dear its just a bend. Not the end. Have Faith and have a successful life.
Do some prayer daily.
Read religious book daily (even one verse/sentence can make the change)
Do some charity (give something in charity-even one rupee will/or an old cloth to poor will be good)
Give some food to stray dog/birds
Don’t hate anybody. Love all and see the change. Evenif somebody scolding you don’t scold in reply. God is great and will listen you and solve your problem.
Good luck and God bless you

- sanjukta - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

See since u learned your lessons yourself u should have developed good logical mind unlike most degree holder here because mostly we r spoon fed.u can try bank jobs and government job where recruitment is on the basis ryof tests not on academic suggestion is to sit for those exams that I can appear being a graduate.dont loose hope.and u need a job for living not for other people so dont think what people think about u.ur full concentration should be you only.all the best.hope u got a job soon.

- Boba Fett - 01-26-2013 04:10 PM

Yes some medications taken in large amounts along with alcohol can kill you. People have been known to die from an overdose of alcohol mixed with xanax, valium, and other benzodiazapines.