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Do you think rick ross is a bad rapper and horrible person? - Printable Version

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- Toaster waffles - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

He isn't bad at rapping, but I just can't take him seriously; for him to be on TruTV's "World's Dumbest" and be a former correctional officer then flaunt about "smoking weed" and having a drug empire, I just can't take him seriously.

Well, as for him being a horrible person, I don't know. If he is a dead beat dad, leaving his son/daughter for solid reasons, then no, he isn't -- but if he did leave just for the sake of it, then, still no, I don't believe in horrible people, just choices that reflect on you. And I have a dead beat mother, so I can say that.

" he can barley speak English its like pure ebonix and he so self adsorbed he has a chain of his face" -- *facepalm*.

"Hwy do we allow people like this to get famus" -- Well, it starts out with a dream. They send the mixtape/demo tape to a label, and they sign him/her. With proper publication and publishing, this gets mainstreamed through the radio; and mindless people follow whatever the radio and social media says. Some people allow it, some people don't.

Overall, I don't like Rick Ross's music. It's just my opinion, though.

- Emelen - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

Let me ring a friend, no but seriously: awswery is so right hes ok as a rapper i liked him when he first came out b4 i figured him out any you must not know that he stole that name from a real crack dealer the biggest in history and hes know being sued by him because he got himseld out of a life sentance after teaching himself to read also rick rosses beard is fake but deff peep this vid of the real rick ross… you can see how he even copied the beard and bald head so no hes a ok rapper and a horrible person that im choking with his own titi Better get to the fridge as there's a cake with my name on it!