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Why am I sooooooo ugly? Please don't judge? - Printable Version

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- Sarah - 05-02-2013 07:51 AM

Teenage years suck. There's always going to be those girls who are prettier than you, you just have to find the right guy who doesn't Care! I know what your going through. It seems like every girl is just gorgeous and popular but in reality they're completely fake. I bet i could wipe off half of their so call "beauty" with a Kleenex! You can't let the media get to you. They throw beautiful women out there and they expect everyone to be like that. Just be confident. I'm pretty sure you aren't as bad as you think. Now here's what i want you to do....

Go to your bathroom and take off your makeup if your wearing any. Go grab a T shirt and put it on and just look at yourself. Don't criticize yourself, point out what YOU like about yourself. everyone is beautiful. It just takes the right person to see it. Just because your not kim kardashian doesn't make you ugly. I think your beautiful even though i havent seen you. God bless you.

Hope i helped

- Gemma - 05-02-2013 07:53 AM

Firstly, stop being so hard on yourself! Every girl is beautiful in their own right! I wish I looked like Mila Kunis and Adriana Lima, but you have to remember that they have professional make up artists doing their make up and ensuring they look as beautiful as they do, also most of their photo shoot pictures are edited. If you want to gain some confidence, why not find pictures of beautiful celebrities like Mila Kunis and Adriana Lima with no make up on? You'll see that they are not perfect.

You also said that you think that some of your facial features are weird, EVERY girl has insecurities about certain aspects of their face. Youtube some make up tutorials to give you hints and tricks about how to slim down your nose etc. it's obvious that you have no confidence, but as soon as you lose a little weight you will probably gain a lot of confidence which will in turn change your opinion of yourself.

You are stuck with what you were given, so you can either be sad and moan about the way you look or try and make the most of what you got! I bet you're being too hard on yourself and I reckon that once you become skinnier, you will have a slimmer face and more defined cheek bones.

Good Luck! And give yourself a break! P.s. most of the girls on twitter edit their pictures, they're probably not as amazing in real life