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Should I get him out of my life, or keep him 10 POINTS!? - Printable Version

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- Jessa - 05-11-2013 08:58 AM

Oh man. Pedophile. JK Tongue He seems like a jerk. I probably don't have the right to say it sorry for that but it seems like he is just using you to gain something? Like what you said he probably had gone too far, if someone didn't respect what you say and insults you for saying "oh you know you like it" it should be a turn off? You should be done with him. It didn't bother you? I guess it didn't?
The second thing the movies, -user something BETTER probably came up and he just ditched you. Uhh yea I have a jerk friend like that. We are not friends now.

I think you should get him out of your life. If you leave him or something he might want you more and chase you. Just out of curiosity. Don't blind yourself with love.
You can find someone better that will love and respect you.

- Danny - 05-11-2013 09:08 AM

first thing im getting from this is he's playing you. when you both text and then he just stops... its intentional, its strategic. he wants to get laid 110%. he doesn't care enough to make the time to chill or even be excited about it enough to remember.
the trick is to play a girl like you play a kitty cat and a ball of yarn. you give a little and then take away. it drives girls/guys crazy but the difference is girls over evaluate. don't bother with this chump cause seriously 8 months is mad long to be emotionally available.

- Lys Monet - 05-11-2013 09:18 AM

Honestly it seems like your putting too much of yourself out there and he's not putting any out there at all. (Keep in mind i neither know you nor this person, theres only a brief description from one persons POV).

My Advice, try to step back from him. Not avoid him i just mean like if he texts you dont be so eager to text him back, wait a bit and then say something like "hey i just seen ur txt whats up" that way you neither seem like you've been waiting for his texts or that your throwing yourself out there. Its worth a shot, you need to keep in mind the age difference though. Most guys at the age of 19 care about going places with women (sexually) and fulfilling their desires, so if you truly like this guy. you should step up to the plate and have a serious convo with him about where your at with the sex standpoint. if your up for it, make sure that you A) use protection and B) that its something you truly want and you believe that it wont end up being a one night stand. and if your not up for it, i believe that resolves your issue with the guy in the first place. if you want any more advice or you just wanna tell me off lol my twitter name is @LadyNads412! <3

- b - 05-11-2013 09:25 AM

He's a pig dump him. He is a testosterone pumping teenager that wants nothing but sex. And PLEASE for the love of god don't do it. He's not the one he's a bad guy. Find that boy that always was your friend. That doesn't want you just for your body. That cares for you and wants you for your character your humor your intelligence. For YOU. And please as a Christian do not do that advance until your wedding night. With a guy you know you feel that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Find that guy not this teenage punk pig. So dump him now! It may not feel that simple but it is for the best.

- Mehran - 05-11-2013 09:42 AM

Nobody could help you just by writing an answer.
But it seems that he is not loving you as much as you love him.
This is a boy trick if I (for example I) forget my love for some days and then send her a SMS after a couple of days. This doesn't call love for me and I pretend to be a lover for her. But in fact I want to use her for satisfying my sexual instincts.

He has kissed you and wanted to have sex with you and you rejected him and then he disappointed to you. Then he pretends that he forgets about you. I think he was going to represent you that he want to sleep with you unless there is be no relationship!

You're so young and he's more experienced than you, Don't be blind and see the facts around yourself. 8 months for a relationship is a good period and you can over it and start a new one with someone else and you're more experienced now.

I know it's difficult to forget about him and he's always in your mind, but one day this should be happened (unless you want to marry with him) and it's better if it takes place sooner!
At first you may be so depressed, but it will be ok after some days or weeks or after you start with someone else.

Best wishes

- Big Lance! - 05-11-2013 09:46 AM

Hes a playa! besides your only 16 and your both in different phases of life, hes out living as an adult and your living at home with parents, turn the tables here... imagine if you had a boyfriend that was 13yrs.... see what i mean. sorry for sounding negative but im older and can see the inherent huge difference in not so much age but maturity. that doesnt mean that your immature or he is it just means that your both in different phases of life. why worry about one dude when your gonna meet a million in the next years to come. you dont wanna be stuck on one guy at age 16 as you have a whole life ahead. you are selling yourself WAY short as he doesnt even remember what you both had planned together ie. movies. the reason hes like that is because hes not totally focused on JUST YOU as much as you are on JUST HIM. get my drift? you sound like a nice girl im glad you told the dude NO as hes probably fast as ever with whoever! this is just pure infatuation but your obviously smarter than his games, which is why you said no! and your asking us online what you should do which means your instincts already tell you to flush him. you really sound wise about things now all you gotta do is do is flush him and your free from the games! you said you have been stuck on him for 8mos? it doesnt sound like hes stuck on anybody for one minute. if he cant remember simple plans ahead of time then thats because his mind is not mature enough to have consideratioin for you or really anybody in his world. and thats really how alot of 19yr olds as you can see but im impressed that your smart enough to realize what his game is and not to be a pawn in it. trust me when your 19 you wont be thinkin about him!

best of luck!