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How is it possible for illegal immigrants to take part in social security? - Printable Version

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- Latina_Rica - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

Many use the Tin (Tax identification number) and pay taxes. Many international students do that too, corporations, small businesses, etc use the Tin to pay taxes but I haven't heard of undocumented worker to be part of social security.

- norlore - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

Withholdings pulled out of their checks with a phony SS number are sent into the IRS, they will take all money even from a fake SS number (they don't need to steal or use someone elses).......the money is put in a.... "earnings suspense file".... thus illegal immigrants pay billions of dollars each year in taxes... and it keeps growing for you and me.

Billions of dollars in taxes for benefits they will never collect, so we....yes we will be able to collect the benefits of the billions that they contributed, but because of their illegal status were collected from them but will never be paid to them

For the most part they take the lowest paying and dirty jobs that are unfilled because most Americans are "too good" to do them,

I know the paper here is chock full of low paying jobs and we sure could use more immigrants here because Americans will simply not apply for or do those jobs.

So really "illegals" are giving us quite a bit of their hard earned money doing and filling the crappy jobs we won't do.

I suspect this miight be some of the reason we can't seem to secure our border, but we can "secure" an entire country where there is oil.....

I think our troops could shut the border down in a day or two, and then bring in the fencing and surveillance stuff, How long is it, how many troops do we have, how many per mile would we need, do the math, it would be a walk in the park for our men and women!!

Thank Them........

- Joel W - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

The illegal aliens get one of the illegal identifications at the local Mexican Mafia shops, and they tap into SS with the fake identification. That takes several forms.. none of which I think I will provide in public.

Some of those folks are going to jail now.. many more will.

- Kat M - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM