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GS: What do you think about this new "trend" of job seekers who are being asked for their? - Printable Version

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- MADLUV - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

Oh that distrubes me highly. What I do on my own time is my business. Now if your accessing the stuff from work chances are they already have your user name and password unless you know how to go to sites with out being seen in the proxy.

But over all my facebook isn't a job place. shoot i don't even use it to be honest with ya i have one but it's not upto date.
But i haven't heard of them saying give me your user name and password.
if that was the case i'd just make a fake account a fake password and hand it out like candy. it's all in how you present yourself to your future job.

I dnot mind showing them my page or even friending them so they can see my page. but chances are i would say are you my family.. do i know you? i'm sorry you do not pass the test to be accepted as a facebook friend. I'll take my skills else where if you change your mind and want an award winning team member give me a call with in the next week.

But really i never had that issue. Where i work we are required to have social media outlets more so if your a talent and that is blasted all over the air!


BQ: nope i wouldn't my passwords are for me. I'll show them my page but people are evil and my password will not be passed out! plus with my skill sets. i won't do testing of anykind or give out personal information. Money just isn't worth it to me.

- Jupiter - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

They can add me on Facebook like normal people and see what's there. They won't get my passwords for anything. They don't even need them to see what others see.

- My Evil Twin - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

judges that are anti 'roe v wade' are nearly always anti 'right to privacy'. i think we should tar and feather people asking for our passwords.

it shouldn't, but it does.

no. i have been wanting to revolt anyway.

- Incredibly Amazing - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

It’s all the more reason never to use those services. With that said, the degree to which employers are continually insisting upon intruding into the private lives of their employees represents a truly disturbing trend. It’s none of my boss’s f*cking business what I do, think or say once I leave the office. It’s difficult to say whether these forms of media represent a protected form of speech as the courts have not decided upon it yet. However, since the Supreme Court is more Conservative and more pro-business now than at any time in nearly a century one can bet they would come down on the side of the employer.

If I were in such a desperate situation where I had to have a job I’d delete all my accounts before handing them over to some slime bag, corporate piece of sh*t.

- immensefang585 - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

That's an invasion of privacy. I would just tell them I didn't have any social networking accounts.

- lisa - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

God!!! this is a disgrace ..what ever next

- Incubus - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

I think that crosses the line of infringing on personal privacy. I wouldn't give over my username and definitely not my password under normal circumstances.

If I was really desperate, I would know that giving them over would cause me to be less likely to be hired, not more likely. Just look at the things I write on here. I would be more likely to invent some fake accounts or say I didn't use social networking services at all if I was that desperate for the job.

- Hannah - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

Stuff like this makes me paranoid. This is why even on Yahoo answers, I like to delete a lot of my questions and answers. What annoys me more than anything is that the questions still show up in gray on your account after you've deleted them, and you can't delete anything after a question closes.

This is why I think websites and forums like this, which allow free speech, can actually be quite dangerous. Anything you do online can be found. With such freedom it's very easy for people to mindlessly write things online that they wouldn't want someone else to see.

- Count Acumen - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

Laws need to be made against it. Specifically that the employer shouldn't even be allowed to ask for online accounts because even asking will discriminate against those that refuses or if the person has no such social online account (which would no doubt be held against them also). If we allow such an invasion of privacy from any business it will trend towards the entire economy allowing it and if that happens we would have to change the very nature of the economy to prevent people from misusing personal information.
Really it's selfish on employers part to do this because it holds a much greater potential for a person's private information to be misused so the company can theoretically save some money that is out of proportion to what they have cost the employee in distress.

- Babs the Egg Lady - 10-13-2012 12:02 PM

It's none of the company's business and no, I would not hand over anything personal. I am not that desperate for a job. I never made a Facebook account because I didn't want the vipers at work looking at it.

I can always sell eggs.