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Wouldn't retired people be screwed if we invested their social security into the stock market? - Printable Version

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- Brianne - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Oh wow Einstein. At least if it were in the safe part of the stock market the government wouldn't be spending all of it. How do you think Clinton balanced the budget during his term, only problem was he didn't pay it all back. Why do you think the democrats fought so hard against reform of it? We'd find out how much we no longer had.

- Pdaddy - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Lets see, I think I would rather have 1/2 of something then all of an IOU from the government. If you die before collecting SS you get nothing. I'll take 1/2 of something over nothing any day of the week. Grow up and smell the shit your shoveling.

SS is the biggest ponzi scheme in the world just wait till us baby boomers start soaking you dumbass Gen Xers for our retirement then you wont feel the same way I bet

- mad_mrmagoo - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

They would be living in the streets. They would have nothing. Not even the poor net that is social security.

- Tristan S - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM


- Jim Mora - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Ok, As a 31 year old dude that is set to retire in 2047, I seriously do not trust the government to even be close to paying that out when I retire, so I'd like my money back under my control. I personally would have been buying up even more gold considering Obama is going to finish what Bush started and that is a total currency crash.

- Boomer Wisdom - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Technically, they don't have any social security to invest.

It's a Ponzi scheme, and its ROI is less than the stock market, even when the stock market goes through its transitory hiccups. SSI will just have a massive coronary and drop dead---along with the nation.

It's not an investment at all --- it's the old retired folks sucking life's blood from the young workers. I will be highly disappointed if my children do not rebel.

- T - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Unless you are at least fifty years old, you're gonna be screwed by the time you reach retirement age -- the social security system will be broke.
My investments are in gold and other precious metals. If the government would stop taking money from me for social security I would have even more money to buy. Do you realize that the value gold has more than tripled since I first started buying it?
Smart investers know what to invest in. A fool could have seen that when home loans are being given to people on welfare, there's gonna be trouble.

- Levon the Man - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Well, I'm a conservative and since we tend to be intellectually honest, I will have to agree that many would have lost a lot of money but even with lousy returns it's still a better risk than the Ponzie scheme known as social security. Just remember that it's your friends like Barney Fwank who scre wed the pooch on this sub-prime mess.

- AngelaTC - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Well, setting aside the fact that the government already spent the SS money, and therefore created a 100% loss as opposed to the 40% loss in the market now...

No, because if the money was handled properly, the money would be out of the market 10 years before it was actually needed. And the money being invested today would be buying stocks at bargain prices, and would turn a profit by the time the next generation needed it.

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. If that plan was any good we wouldn't need to mandate participation.

- Loyd/Mary P - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Yes because the stock market is failing faster than the social security system even paying out all that money ( ours ) to the illegals in this country because someone has to feed , clothe and educate them and their kids which thye have like rabbits to get more money from a government that they have never paid a penny to . It is as stupid a plan as closing Gitmo .