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I'm 26 & unmarried. Should I have this baby? - Printable Version

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- International Dave - 01-14-2014 05:54 PM

Forget this dud of a guy, but by all means go ahead and have your baby. You can do it.

Abortion really would be wrong and a huge mistake. Abortions can indeed sometimes give physical complications and problems with future pregnancies such as miscarriages being more likely. Common side effects (which can last up to two months) can include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding. Some experience even worse complications.

A lot of real guilt and shame often can come with an abortion. Perhaps it is for this reason that many relationships end not too long after an abortion is done.

The other day a girl on Yahoo Answers commented that she could not stop crying ever since she had her abortion.

Someone else shared, “My sister had an abortion at 21 and she said it haunts her and she has dreams of a three yr old boy! (it’s been three yrs).”

And another said, “I had the procedure done two days ago and i regret it deeply. I just keep crying and want the baby back. I just keep having all these what if thoughts about the fetus I aborted and i just feel horrible. I should of kept it and now i just don’t know how to cope with the decision I made.”

Someone else posted, “ I have a lot of guilt and regret about the abortion... I wanted it, but felt like I didn't have another option. That I took the easy way out because I didn't have the guts to stand up to everyone and do it on my own.”

And another girl on Yahoo Answers recently wrote, "I was 9 weeks pregnant and had an abortion a couple of days ago. I had a medical abortion where they brought on a miscarriage and I had to use toilet pans when I needed the toilet so they could examine everything. I saw the tiny fetus just laying there perhaps just over an inch long. It actually broke my heart and it's been haunting me with regret ever since. My boyfriend came in the room because I screamed and he saw it as well and he's been extremely sad about it.”

But you can avoid all this pain and heartbreak. By having your child it is no small aspect that you can go for the rest of your life knowing that you gave that child the chance to live out his or her life. The life of that child in you is more important than any life plans you may have which could be delayed but also could still go on nevertheless.

By keeping the baby or putting him/her up for adoption you will choosing life for him or her and you are making a right decision. I strongly advise do not get an abortion and either keep the baby or look at adoption if you really think you would not want to raise a child at this time. There are millions of good couples waiting years to adopt and it can often be arranged to meet your hospital birth expenses if that need is there.

If you want free over the phone counseling about your situation (advice which can be more helpful and personal than the brief answers here) in all this you can call Bethany Pregnancy Services toll free 1-800-238-4269. Tell them about your situation. I think they can provide you with real help and advice. You have nothing to lose by calling them. All the best.....


- Elizabeth Easel - 01-14-2014 06:04 PM

Personally, I don't believe in abortion for any reason. The reason why is because I believe that life starts once the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell. New advances in technology have enabled scientists to observe the amazing changes that take place in the nucleus of this one-celled fertilized egg. The molecules making up the DNA of the father and mother combine to create a human life that never existed before. That original single cell begins the truly miraculous process of constructing a fully formed human. The nature of this "construction" project is determined by our genes, which are segments of DNA. These control virtually everything about us. They determine our height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits.

Afterward, as that original cell divides, the complete genetic "blueprint" is duplicated into every new cell. Amazingly, each of these is programmed to develop into whatever kind of cell is needed. This includes heart tissue, brain cells, bone, skin, and even transparent tissue for our eyes. The initial programming within the original cell for the development of a unique new person has understandably often been referred to as "a miracle."

"The human being is fully programmed for human growth and development for his or her entire life at the one cell age," reported Dr. David Fu-Chi Mark, a celebrated molecular biologist. He concluded: "There can no longer be any doubt that each human being is totally unique from the very beginning of his or her life at fertilization."

Since I believe that life begins once the cell is fertilized, I believe that abortion at any point after that puts an end to that life, also called murder. I liken it to a man and woman who are forced into marriage because they live in a culture where they don't have a say in whom they marry. The husband thinks it is unfair because he never wanted to marry his wife but is only stuck married to her because of the circumstances of his culture, so he puts her to death to free himself. There is no doubt that he commited murder, and it is just as undoubtful that a woman committing abortion because she is unintentionally pregnant is doing the same thing. The only thing the murdered wife did was get married because of the circumstances, and the only thing the murdered baby did was be conceived because of the circumstance.

I also have taken into consideration the light that the Bible sheds on the matter. Psalms 139:16 says that God sees the embryo deep inside the woman, showing that he recognizes the life that it has. Also, under the Mosaic Law, Exodus 21:22-25 says that if a pregnant woman got injured because she got caught up between two men fighting with each other, then whatever deformities or death that the child suffered should be imposed upon the man responsible. If God thought it serious enough to punish a person who unintentionally injured an unborn child, how do you think he feels about a person who intentionally does it?

These are my personal beliefs and I never force them on others. Besides, the Bible itself says "each one will carry his own load." (Galatians 6:5) Women contemplating abortion would do well to consider how their Creator feels about it, and how they would feel after the abortion is over. There are many, many women who have been surveyed who regret getting an abortion. Also, there are many woman who got pregnant due to rape (some were even due to incest), but they were able to live normal lives. While they regret the manner in which the child was born, they don't regret that the child was born. There are even times when doctors say that the child should be aborted because it's quality of life or life expectancy looks grim, but the child is born perfectly healthy or lives much longer than the doctor said. There are also many parents who have children with deformities, but instead of wishing the child was never born, they cherish each day they do have with the child as if it may be their last. Such ones who feel like their back is against the wall should know that their situation is not unique. Others have triumphed who are in their situation, and any hurdles that taking care of a child poses have been overcome and can be overcome again.