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Why do conservatives obsess about people on welfare? - Printable Version

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- Nicolas - 03-24-2014 01:27 PM

It' s a false myth that Conservatives want to spend more money on the military.
Welfare and foodstamp programs are bloated of corruption. The goverment spends tax money for crooks and cronies. Billions and billions. Social assistance needs to be earned and not just handed out without controls.

- out2lunch4now2 - 03-24-2014 01:30 PM

Tell us exactly what people on welfare do to EARN a single penny of the money I EARN that is stolen by the federal government. Tell us why people who do NOTHIUNG to EARN what they want should have it. I have never even received a simple, "Thank you" from anyone on welfare. They just stick their hands out and demand more, more, MORE and politicians placate them with MORE.

Supporting a military is a REQUIREMENT of the government, in the Constitution. I DEFY you to cite the part of that document that allows the federal government to establish these earnings theft and redistribution programs.

Just because you "have no problem if some of my tax dollars go towards providing social assistance to those who genuinely need it" doesn't give you the right to tell everyone else they have to join you. I am perfectly capable of deciding who I want to support.