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Why are people so disrespectful to Michael Jackson? - Printable Version

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- Dance. - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

People are jealous of success he achieved throughout his life, and for some reason they believe putting someone down will make them fit in.
It's pathetic.
Rest easy MJ. I'm missing you.

- Amazingstraw636 - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Because they are too ignorant to do research.

I used to be scared of him when I was 5, but then I read up on him and the allegations, and now I adore him.

Michael, my beautiful angel, rest in peace darling. xoxo
I miss you so much, please wait for me in heaven.

"If the angels come for me I'll tell them no" But Mike, darling, you forgot to say 'no'. </3

"Everyone's taking control of me; seems like the world's got a role for me; I'm so confused. Will you show to me; you'll be there for me; and care enough to bear me" Always, Michael, always. God bless you. xoxo

- Mr Anonymous - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM


- R.I.P MJ♥ - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

I agree with you 100%! I love Michael Jackson, and I hate too see people disrespect him Sad

R.I.P Michael Jackson, you were such an ispirtion and a great man. You will always be in our hearts and never forgotten. you left the world knowing you lived it.I know your in heaven now and you deserve it, your with God now and away from all this hatred. I pray your family will know the truth as to what happened to you. I pray the lord keeps your soul, and your journey is a beautiful one. We will miss you always and forever, and we will forever have your music in our hearts. Your legacy lives on till eternity. your the best, the best ever.. love you loads!!! ( R.I.P Hero, Legend, Icon.<3 ]

- Julie - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

because they don't take the time to research his life and what a good person he really was. They had to listen to the negative stuff about him. They really don't know him.

- Yasita - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

because they are motherfucking pieces of shit that are just pests on the face of the earth (no offence)

- Zoe - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Because the world is full of negative people. Life is a matter of perspective - you either see life as half full or half empty. Michael as a monster or as a genius and humanitarian. People have nothing better to do and they are miserable and jealous. It's pretty lame, and to see it continue in death just shows you how insensitive and sociopathic some people can be. There are 3 kids out there and a family grieving the loss plus tons of friends and fans everywhere. Regardless of whether people liked this man, it's completely human to feel empathy for others. Makes me proud to be the kind of person I am and not some of these miserable dregs.